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All About Orlando Bloom"

Orlando Bloom in


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Wow, continuing from my comments, I must say Orlando was beyond hot as Will Turner in Pirates. His character is a little bland, but it really isn't his fault - Johnny Depp is just way too funny. But nonetheless, Orli plays the hero of the film and he gets his woman Elizabeth Swann (played by Keira Knightley) and they love each other so much that they'd die for one another. Well, if you don't believe how good he was, read this excerpt from aclaimed critic Roger Ebert:
"Bloom is well cast in a severely limited role as the heroic straight-arrow. He has the classic profile of a silent-film star."
If you would like to read more on his little review, click here: Ebert's Review
It's out on DVD now, so if you haven't seen it yet, SHAME ON YOU.