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tarif calc

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Grade 6

Front drop

Front drop

½ twist jump

to feet

to feet

straddle jump

straddle jump

straddle jump

seat drop

½ twist jump

½ twist jump

½ twist to seat drop

seat drop

seat drop

½ twist to feet

½ twist to seat drop

½ twist to feet

pike jump

½ twist to feet

tuck jump

back drop

tuck jump

pike jump

½ twist to feet

pike jump

back drop

tuck jump

full twist jump

½ twist to feet

full twist jump

Grade 5

Under 9, Under 11

Under 13, Under 15

U18, O18 (2001)

Full twist jump

Back SS (T)

Back SS (P)

straddle jump

straddle jump

straddle jump

seat drop

seat drop

seat drop

½ twist to seat drop

½ twist to seat drop

½ twist to seat drop

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

pike jump

pike jump

pike jump

back drop

back drop

back drop

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

tuck jump

tuck jump

tuck jump

front SS (T)

front SS (T)


Grade 4

Under 9, Under 11

Under 13, Under 15

U18, O18 (2000)

Back SS (T)

Back SS (P)

Back SS (S)

straddle jump

straddle jump

straddle jump

back SS to seat (T)

back SS to seat (T)

back SS (to feet) (T)

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

seat drop

½ twist jump

½ twist jump

½ twist to feet

pike jump

pike jump

pike jump

back drop

back drop

barani (P)

½ twist to feet

½ twist to feet

½ twist jump

tuck jump

tuck jump

tuck jump

front SS (T)

barani (T)

front SS (P)

Grade 3

Under 9, Under 11

Under 13, Under 15

U18, O18 (2000)

Back SS (P)

Back SS (S)

Back SS (S)

straddle jump

straddle jump

barani (T)

back SS to seat (T)

back SS (T)

straddle jump

½ twist to feet

tuck jump

back SS (P)

full twist jump

barani (T)

barani (P)

tuck jump

½ twist jump

pike jump

barani (T)

pike jump

back SS (T)

½ twist jump

back SS to seat (T)

tuck jump

pike jump

½ twist to feet

crash dive

front SS (P)

front SS (P)

½ twist to feet

Grade 2

Under 11

Under 13

Under 15

Back SS (P)

Back SS (S)

Back SS (S)

straddle jump

straddle jump

barani (S)

back SS (T)

back SS (P)

back SS (P)

barani (T)

barani (P)

straddle jump

½ twist jump

½ twist jump

barani (P)

tuck jump

pike jump

½ twist jump

back SS to seat (T)

back SS (T)

tuck jump

½ twist to feet

tuck jump

back SS (T)

pike jump

crash dive

crash dive

front SS (P)

½ twist to feet

barani ball out (T)

Under 18, Over 18

10 different skills to include:

(1) 9 skills with minimum 270° rotation

(2) 1 skill landing on either the back or front

(3) from the above landing - somersault with minimum 450° rotation

(4) either 1 somersault with min 360° rotation and min 360° twist

or 1 somersault with min 720° somersault rotation

Note, both of (4) may be incorporated into the routine

Grade 1

Under 11

Under 13

Under 15

Back SS (P)

Back SS (S)

Back SS (S)

barani (P)

barani (S)

barani (S)

straddle jump

back SS (P)

full twisting back SS

back SS to seat (T)

straddle jump

straddle jump

½ twist to feet

barani (P)

back SS (P)

pike jump

½ twist jump

barani (P)

back SS (T)

tuck jump

back SS (T)

tuck jump

back SS (T)

crash dive

barani (T)

crash dive

barani ball out (T)

front SS (P)

barani ball out (T)

front SS (P)