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Stories--page 6


I remember 

From Gary Boggio, friend

About 3 1/2 or 4 years ago(1996), a bunch of us went to a Smashing Pumpkins concert at the Mark in the Quad Cities. Anyway, I can't remember who went, but I knew it was Amanda, Marlo, Marlo's ex Josh, Jesse Guiliani, Justin Beard, Chris Hanck and I. We got to the place ok, found our seats and sat down. We were in the lower bowl somewhere, so you can imagine all of the people around us. Well, as we were sitting there, these girls came and sat in front of us. I don't remember exactly, but they had to be about Amanda's age at the time. So, they were just sitting there and after a while they started acting goofy. Nothing out of the ordinary for a 16 year old girl to do (HaHa), just goofy! Anyway the first band came out and started playing. Well, I can't remember what happened to really piss Amanda off, but she was getting real mad at the girls. I think they were standing up a lot; I really wasn't paying attention to them. Anyway, I do remember Amanda yelling at them, just going crazy at them. I thought she was going to rip their heads off. So then the whole night, she was just taunting them, saying sh*% and trying to start a fight (No, not Amanda). Oh I am sure you can imagine it. So, we all got a great laugh out of it.

At one time, this is the honest to God truth, she worked up the biggest, loudest, most disgusting sounding HACKER you have ever heard or seen and spit it at the back of the one girl's hair!!!!! I swear she did!! I about sh*# my pants!! The funny thing is, the girl was too busy dancing and stuff to realize what Amanda had done!! So, picture this huge, almost baseball size, hacker in this girl's hair!! Oh it was nasty!! The funny thing was Amanda was as proud as a Pee-Cock (as she would say) that she did one that big!! So, as the night went on, Amanda gave them sh%# and never left them alone. I was sure we were going to see a good cat fight, but I think they were scared to death of her!! This was just one of these things where you had to be there to see it. I am sure you can picture most of it though.....

  From Brandy (Hansen) Baele, family friend

Another memory I have of Amanda from last summer is of Amanda, Grandma O, Tracy, Renee and I hanging out on Nancy's front porch. I don't remember what we all talked about, but Amanda was telling Grandma O that she didn't have any underwear on, as well as some other provocative things. I was thinking to myself that I would never say that to Grandma O. I would show more respect than that. Grandma O, however, took it in stride just accepting that it was so typical of Amanda. As I look back on that memory now, I think that Amanda was showing more respect because at least she was being honest and just as open with her Grandmother as she would be with anyone else. 


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