This is a Memorial Website created in Loving Memory of My two Precious Angels, Zachary and Jacob. Zachary,my first born , passed away at the age of 2 and a half months old to heart failure. Jacob, my second born, passed away at the age of 3 yrs. old to heart and lung failure. Both boys were diagnoised with a rare heart disease, Transposition of the Great Vessels, during pregnancy.

Both of my boys ment the world to me and touched the lives of many. Not a day passes by that I do not think of my Precious Angels. I have put this site together so that they may be remembered and to share their stories. This site will also contain information about this form of heart disease, photos, poetry and the day that I lost each child. I hope that you will take a moment and browse around and get to know these two very special angels.

Thank You for stopping by and meeting my Precious Angels. I hope that you take a moment to sign the guestbook.

You may navigate this site by using the next button located at the bottom of each page, or by using the drop down menu.


Graphics by Moon and Back visit their website by clicking the logo above
© 2006 This Site Created and Maintained by Twila In Memory of My Precious Angels Zachary & Jacob
Last Updated:5-4-06
The song playing is 'Tears in Heaven' by Eric Clapton this song was played at both of my boy's funerals.