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I have decided to add this page after
receiving a few emails from indivuals on Transposition
most saying that they have a friend or relative
whom are adults and doing fine with thier Transposition,
and some whom have mentioned that
their child was not diagnoised
Until 6 months to 1 year.

In addition to D-Transposition , Jacob had dextracardia,
L-Looped ventricals
double-outlet right ventrical,
pulmonary atresia,large ventrical septal defect,
unrestricted ASD,
and patent ductus arteriosius.

The type of survival depends a great deal
on the type of Transposition , in addition to other factors
for example health,physicians,other defects, and so forth.
No Individual is the same
and treatments may vary.

Transposition is a very serious form of heart disease,
In which the two main valves to the heart are switched
and a surgery is usually performed at Birth
for the child to survive.

Some forms of Transposition might include
L-Transposition of the Great Vessels ,orD-Transposition of the Great Vessels.

In L Transposition , it may not show signs
until adulthood,
In D Transposition,or complete,
the infant begins to show signs
within the first 48 hours usually.

Below are some links to learn more
about Transposition of the Great Vessels.

Heart Disease Online

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital