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Thank you for your interest in the ancient art of Oriental Dance.  I love sharing all I know about the Oldest Dance, for I believe there is a Dancer in all of us! I began learning this art form in 1976 from my first teachers, Shirley Heatherly and Peggy King, owners of the Shirna Dance Studio. I have great respect for them; they kept this dance alive in Springfield, MO  for many years.

The Dance is known by many names: "bellydance", Middle Eastern Dance, Dance Orientale, Raks Sharqi, Beledi, and more. But fist and foremost, this dance is a celebration of Life! This beautiful art form promotes individual creativity and the physical expression of the music and rhythms that are very ancient in origin. Hearing the music of the Dance is like listening to the past, taking a journey back in time to the place where humankind began. Learning this dance is both inspirational and challenging; it gibes students a great sense of personal achievement. Mastering the movements also teaches focus and control, as well as developing an inner strength. The Oldest Dance is composed of circular movements that are natural for a woman's body, and performing the steps can increase body awareness, improve self-esteem and bolster intuition. The Dance is an ancient language, an expression of our life experience, and a link to our instinctual nature.

Middle Eastern Dance is ageless-very old, yet always new! It has something to offer everyone, no matter what your age, size, shape or ability level. Students learn much more than just the movements of this dance, they learn its history, the traditional music and rhythms, they define and improve their muscle tone, enjoy all the benefits of students can come to play "dress-up", adopt a new attitude and even a dance name, and it is where the "ordinary" becomes the extraordinary: together we dance the Dance of Life!


Contact Jasara  for dancing events

or classes

call: 417-888-2363
