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Finding that College of Your Dreams!

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Click on the links in the table to take you to these great sites for college research!:

The College Board College View College Net All About College
Mass Colleges Mass Mentor Campus Visit Campus Tours
Go College College is Possible Christian Colleges Peterson's
College Xpress U.S. News Report NCES- for kids Email Me

Are you planning to attend college? Most of today's jobs require training beyond a high school diploma, so hopefully you have already thought about what you will do after high school. Searching for the right college for you can be an enjoyable, but very time consuming process. Therefore you should start early and continue your search thoughout high school (you might want to see the College Board's advise on how to jump start your college planning). And be thorough. A college search is far more involved than merely looking up the U.S. News and World Report's Best Colleges list and picking one from the list. While this may be a starting point, there's a good chance that the perfect college for YOU is not on any list. You will have to do extensive research and campus visits to find the right one(s) for you. There are great sites for this purpose, including College View, CollegeNet, and CollegeXpress. There are many great links in the table above, which should keep you busy for quite some time!.

What are some things you are looking for in a college? Obviously it should have the major(s) you are considering. But there are many other factors to consider. Geographic location is important, not only how far from home it is but also whether the campus is located in a large city, a suburban, or rural area.You should consider how large a school is, what activities they have, internship or co-op opportunities, to name a few. And of course the cost of attendance should be looked at, but don't eliminate a school from your search because you think it is too expensive, not yet anyway (see the College Board's facts and myths about the costs of college). First learn what you can about financial aid before deciding that. You might be able to get enough aid to put that expensive school within your financial reach! You may not know for certain until you actually apply to the college and complete the financial aid forms. But if you really love a particular college, you should keep it on your list for consideration.

Perhaps the best thing you can do is to get in the car and drive to these schools for a visit! It is like taking a car for a test ride before you buy it. Get on the campuses and really snoop around! Don't just stop when the guided tour is over (they only show you what they want you to see). Go out on your own afterwards. Ask some of the current students questions. Check out anything the tour didn't show you- the library, the gym, the dorms, the dining halls, etc. You will be spending 2 to 4 years of your life there. You want to be certain you have the right place! These websites offered below and in the above table are terrific for doing your search, but they can only take you so far. But start with these and be persistent in your search until you find the school of your dreams!

Please feel free to Email me with any college search questions or feedback about this page.

College Search Websites

Campus Visit to Boston
Go on Virtual Campus Tours
Learn about Mass. Colleges
MassMentor Website
All About College
College View
Ed Info
College Net
Search Christian Colleges
National Center for Education Statistics- Search for Kids
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