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Finding Your Future- The Career Discovery Page

But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

-Lyrics of U2

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So you are not sure what you want to be when you are finished with school? Don't stress out too much. Many students apply to colleges with an undeclared major, then figure it out while they are in college. There is nothing wrong with this, and colleges will not discriminate against a student who does not declare a major on the application. Nevertheless, you should spend some time thinking about and researching possible careers now. This way you can look for colleges that have the major(s) you think you will pursue. The Occupational Outlook Handbook, the Occupational Information Network, and the College Board Career Browser are all great places to start your career search. Often overlooked is that you should not only be researching careers, you should also do research on yourself, figuring out what kind of person you are. This will take you a long way in figuring out what career you will be comfortable in. Use the Career Key to do a free interest inventory.

The best thing you can do is research some things that interest you most now. While you may still go into college undecided, you will learn a lot, and even discover careers you didn't know existed before you looked. Talk to people who are already in careers that interest you, visit work sites related to your career interests. By doing career research you will get a better idea of what you might want to major in when you go off to college. Western Carolina University has a wonderful page by entitled What Can I Do With This Major? It will give you an idea of careers related to various college majors! Very useful!! Not to be outdone, Kansas State University has a very useful career guide that might be of use to you as well.

You might also want to consider building and creating a resume. A resume is a one page summary of your skills and qualifications. Although you may never have had a job that required one, you will in the future and it will be very helpful to have one that you can continually update. Some colleges will ask you for a resume as well.

Try These Links Below For Career Information:

Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Occupational Outlook Handbook Online
America's Career Info Net
Mass. Division of Employment and Training Learn What You Are Worth
U.S. Department of Labor
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