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Cloud and Tifa
Nibelheim Boy
Lonely Soul

I'd like to make one final comment before this thread closes. I don't know about the rest of you, but to me, it was very clear that Cloud had special feelings for Tifa. I think for some of us, this debate has become less of a question on "who does Cloud love more", and more of a question on "does Cloud love Tifa at all". This has become quite clear from some of the comments that have obviously been made to dismiss Tifa as a candidate entirely. Albeit, rather vainly.

The lifestream scene is a significant one in that it sheds some light as to the true nature of Cloud's relationship with Tifa. Through this scene, we are able to take a peek at Cloud's inner psyche. His memories. His deeper thoughts. They are all shown to involve Tifa. And although they may not have hinted at a relationship directly "on their own", I think it's important to look at them from a holistic point of view. Singling each one out and looking at them one by one is not adequate. They all merge and mingle together to form Cloud's past and essential personality, so that it's important to look at them as a "whole".

The point isn't that Cloud says "I love you very much, Tifa" in one scene alone. Rather, the point is that his inner thoughts were all about her, and this has been proven in a myriad of scenes. I think she has to be a very special person to qualify for that. Indeed, Cloud loved Aeris. But the memories of his inner psyche did not even involve her once. And I think this speaks a lot for Tifa. I think you have to be really really hateful of Tifa to deny that Cloud ever loved her at all.

And while analysing individual lines of the script may be of some value, it's crucial to acknowledge that individual lines don't mean a great deal "on their own". It's important to look at the context of the dialogue also, as well as the other lines in the entire conversation. This is what I mean by taking a holistic point of view. Some Aeris-supporters seem to have made a habit of ignoring direct evidence, choosing to only analyse individual lines of the script. From memory, it has been said that "many of Cloud's statements in the lifestream scene have been proven to have no relevance to his relationship with Tifa". This, to me, is ludicrous.

If you choose to only look at individual lines in the script, then anything can, in fact, be proven, depending on how far you want to twist things. It can be likened to saying that Squall never loved Rinoa on the basis that he never said so. Or that, throughout the course of the game, the number of times he ignored her exceeded the number of times he devoted his attention to her. And indeed, this is what analysis of individual lines would indicate. Is it adequate? Clearly not.

Some have suggested that Cloud only saw in Tifa a way of being accepted into the groupie. Others have suggested that they were merely close friends. But these are rather misinformed views. From some of Cloud's statements, these views may seem a possibility. But I must emphasise that the analysis of individual lines as pointers to a character's personality is flawed and useless. Other lines in the game have to be included for consideration. To settle the issue about the lifestream scene once and for all, here are a few lines I've selected from that scene. Note that I've chosen several, not just one, to prove my point.

Cloud: "I really wanted to play with everyone, but I was never allowed into the group. Then I began to think that I was different. Then maybe, just maybe, they would invite me in."
Cloud: "That night, I called Tifa out to the well. I thought to myself that Tifa would never come, that she hated me."
Cloud: "If I could just get stronger, then even Tifa would have to notice me."

Cloud: "I was devastated. I wanted to be noticed."
Tifa: "Someone has to notice you? Who?"
Cloud: "Who? You know who! You, that's who."

Cloud: "It's important to me. I hate to say it but it's a very important memory... A sealed up secret... wish... tender memories... no one can ever know."

Tifa: "I used to wonder how Cloud was doing... I started reading the newspapers, thinking that there might be an article about you."
Cloud: "Thanks, Tifa. Tell him what you told me later. He'll probably be so happy."

Tifa: "You were there. You were watching me."
Tifa: "You came. You kept your promise."

Tifa: "Oh Cloud! It's really you, isn't it?"
Cloud: "Yeah, Tifa. We finally meet again."

Together, these lines convey an undeniable romance between Cloud and Tifa. Is it possible that Cloud just wanted friends? No. Together, these lines indicate more than that. Is it possible that Cloud just saw Tifa as a friend? Again, no. Their relationship seems much more personal and exclusive than that, as these lines, together, indicate. Is it possible that Cloud loved Tifa? YES.

As they are memories that have been stored in his inner psyche for all his life, we can deduce that the object of these memories must have been very important to him. Whether it has caused him pain or pleasure, happiness or despair, the object of his greatest desire would be common to all these treasured memories. And clearly, it is Tifa.

It's not the other boys, they don't even qualify as they are only involved in one of the three parts of his mental reality. It's not the well either, it was only present in one part. And it's not the flower pot on Tifa's window sill, though even this beats Aeris in this regard. (I actually have a theory that Cloud's love for flowers is actually what turned him on. Not Aeris. Snicker.)

It's all Tifa. Deep down, Tifa is the object of Cloud's mind. Deep down, Cloud desires her attention. Deep down, Cloud loves her. The argument that it was only a childish infatuation is invalid, because as he grew to adulthood, these memories remained with him, still cherished, and still the cause of his personal problems.

There is more than enough evidence in other parts of the game to support the view that Cloud loved Tifa, and you'll find it if you're willing to see it. I suggest you actually look for it though, and not turn a blind eye to it, as some of you Aeris-supporters have done countless times.

Nibelheim Boy