Rurouni Kenshin

The song Playing is called Her Most Beautiful Smile ( now i wonder who this song could be about? lemme guess? kaoru? lolz)

The Show

Rurouni Kenshin is a show about a wandering samurai names Kanshin Himura who is formally known as Batosai the Man Slayer from the Revolution. And at the end he took "a vow to protect the innocent and never kill again" as cartoon network's toonami comercials put it so well. The reason he took that oath was partly beaucase of a woman named Tomoe. He had killed her fiancee (i dont know why) and then she formed a plan to kill him and let him live with her so he could escpae the police (ya i know it doesnt make sense but im rewording from And i guess her plan almost worked but they fell for each other on the very day before she had planned to carry out his death. Then a series of unfortunate accidents occur with a tragic end: kenshin slays Tomoe. :'( and before she dies she give him the other half (he already had the somewhat vertical cut) of his cross scar. meaning she gave him the somewhat horizontal line. uhh ya and because of that he says he will never kill again but as cartton network puts it "but old memories seldom fade, and bad habits die hard" *squeals*(that sounds so cool) lolz. but ya becuase he just doesnt not kill after spending so many years killing.

So then he became a wanderer and learned the hiten mitserugi (i KNOW i spelled that wrong but ya know what i mean) style of swrodsmanship with the reverse blade sword. Due to the clashing beliefs of him and his teacher he leaves at age fourteen (now i dont get this very much becasue the fought during the revolution when he was 18... oh maybe his ideas changed and then after he changed them back? (im so confused and the only way i know this was because i watched the last few eps before my trip and then it was taken off air and placed back on at a completly diff time!) Ok so ya... he becomes a wanderer and ends up meeting Miss Kaoru (i think this is what happened i dono cos i missed the first eps!) and she had lost all her family to the revolution and was running the Kamiya dojo. SHe is the assistant master to the Kamiya Kasshin style and takes in borders (also a couple free loaders) and teaches any one who will pay her. Yahiko is one of her students. more later... And then he metts yahiko that way. And Sanosuke was a fighter for hire but something happened (i think kenshin beat him, again i didnt see these eps so these r assumptions a lot) and he didnt do somethign and well basically they all ended up being friends. Then later on they save Megumi from these people trying to force her to make opium.. basically long story short they save her, she gets captured again and they save her again from Aoshi after beating the Oniwaban group. Ok I think that's It! I hope it is that i most certainly do! (im sorry i couldnt help myself and its SO weird that he talks that way! lolz)
