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Complacency and Sin:
Do them before
they do you

Can you visualize millions of people with their heads in the sand and their rear ends up in the air begging to be taken advantage of. Rich people, politicians, lawyers, doctors and fat cats of business picking their pockets on a daily basis.

What makes us so open to being taken advantage of? The idea of morality has been replaced with the idea that anything that you can take and not be held accountable for is fare game.

Things seem, over time, to swing in an arch from one extreme to the other. All things gravitate to a center. People start with good intentions but as they acquire large wealth, they refocus on maintaining the system or the status quo and less for the founding principle.

Over the years America has grown from high principles of maintaining the country for the benefit of the people to a select few. As prosperity and wealth became the goal rather than the well being of the people.

So, history will tell if we can save oursleves from self distruction. I am not beting my money that greed can be checked and civilization return to being a high priority. Right and Wrong have been painted gray and distinctions are not as plain as they were in earlier days of this country.

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