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Out of Control Pet

Here I am trying to save the world and you are playing with your ball.
You love your balls but at least you could get dressed.
Some of my Wizard buddies may drop by
and there you are:dancing around with that damn ball and half naked.

You do look nice naked but that is for the bedroon.
I will never be elected Master Wizard if I have
an out of control Pet.
I think you need some time in your special room,
and stop spending so much time with those elves.

The cat has reported some of your antics at the parties you have attended.
He says you have been hiting the fermeted bats and spiders a little hard.
The report is that you have been shouting
that there are pegions everywhere and you think they have secret messages.

So, put that ball away and go get some clothes on.
Then fix my dinner, clean the castle,
mow the yard, do the laundry and polish the silver.
Then check back and I will give you the large list of things to do.


Music is Never

Henry and Pet's Creations

Life is Short: Enjoy

Created on 8/09/2003