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The Wizard lived in the forest
and enjoyed his life but thought that
he might look for someone to assist him in
making his daily potent and do other tasks as assigned
One day he met Pet in the woods.
She said she would make a wonderful assistant
and would do as instructed.
She was a good learner but soon when the wizard said
two parts spider, one part snake and three parts toad
she started changing it as she thought
something else would be better.

So now if you see the Wizard in the woods
and he is shaking his head and looking
confused you will know he is the one with the Pet.

Stop and take time to talk to him
as he needs kindness and understanding.
Be careful if Pet is there as she has a pigeon
and it will cover you with something
that you will regret.

God save the Queen and the Wizard.

The Wizard
And his Pet

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Created on 8/03/03

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