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Rebecca Romaine

Fresh fish should have a look of alarm in their eyes

Generally, Predators have eyes more closely set so that they have better depth perception. Prey have eyes set farther apart so that they can see a wider range.

When blood seperates out the layer made out of platelets is called the Buffy coat.

It is important not to take too much of any one type of mineral because too much of one mineral can actually inhibit the absorption of other nutrients. (i.e. oxylates in spinach inhibit the absorption of about 95% of the iron in spinach).

Whenever congress is in session there's always one person who doesn't go just in case the building gets bombed. That way there will always be somebody to lead the country.

A woman menstrates approx. 500 times in her life.

Oral Contraceptions can increase your chance of blood clot formation.

The Bible is the world's most shoplifted book

when you brush your teeth brush the tops first that way the bristles of your toothbrush are softer when they touch your gums

Your Thymus starts degenerating around puberty and is completely gone by the end of your 20's