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Rebecca Romaine

Becky Speak

Just to let everyone know there's going to be some construction going on on my site. Hopefully, I'll be able to get everything sorted out right. It might take a while for things to work right again. Just let me know if you have any problems. Also the page I'm using for my journal is going to be different so if you have my journal as a bookmark you might want to hit the journal link on the side and it will take you to the new page. Thanks darlings

So I'm going to be moving a good majority of my stuff in about an hour and a half. it makes me sad watching everyone move out. I don't want people to leave. Don't get me wrong I'm glad the semester is over but it just makes me sad that everything is changing again. that's one of the worst parts of college, you're constantly moving around once you get used to your schedule or where you live then everything gets uprooted. Oh well. I found out today that the 6th season of Buffy comes out May 29th. I can't wait.

Ok now I know its been a while since I've written but for some reason everytime I sit down nothing comes to me to write down. Well I spent Easter at my grandmothers. It ended up being alot of fun, especially on Saturday. I got down to Springfield a little after 12 and we went straight from the train station to a diner to have lunch. After which my grandmother, aunt, uncle, and I went to the local mall. They ended up getting me two new pairs of shorts (we'll give shorts a try for this summer. who knows I might end up liking them) and two shirts. When we finally got back home we settled for a while then had dinner. My aunt asked if I wanted to go see a movie and we finally decided on Ella Enchanted which was incredibly fun and cute. I really liked it. One of the better movies I've seen in a while. After that I went to a local karoke bar with my two aunts and my two uncles (Aunt Ann, Uncle Ed, Aunt Debbie, and Uncle Tom). I sang back for my Uncle Ed when he sang Mustang Sally. I contemplated doing something else but never actually did. On sunday my mother and older brother came up for church and then dinner. My younger brother was working for the day (Catholic Shrine restaurant is incredibly busy on Easter) and my dad just didn't want to (fine by me). Easter dinner was the worst part of the weekend. We had reservations at this place called Chesapeake. Well we found out when we got there that apparently who ever was taking reservations had done a really bad job because we had to wait an hour. The horrible thing was not the wait but that whenever we asked how long they thought our wait was going to be they would just say that they couldnt' give us an answer. Sadly, the food was not worth the wait. Beyond that, my grandmother and I ended up going back to the mall on Monday where she bought me a new pair of shoes (their incredibly cute). So now I'm home. I had my last day of classes today. I now just have finals on my horizon and then the semester is over. I can't wait for summer. I'm so excited about being able to spend my summer up in chicago I can hardly find the words to explain it. Life will be good.

I went out driving with Andrius for most of the day. We drove around evanston, roger's park and Wilmette. We even managed to make it to the Bahai (sp) temple before Pete called reminding me I was supposed to be elsewhere. On eof the things I'm realizing with Andrius is that I always want to be around him. It isn't the feeling of being obsessed with him or "drowning" but instead its that I'm happiest when its just the two of us. When there's nothing else pulling on our concentration. I will admit that there were times this weekend where I was guilty of trying to get him to stay with me even though I knew he should probably do whatever else he needed to do. Its just that I so much treasure those moments where its only us that I try my darndest to make sure they last for as long as I can. I do realize at some point they must end. I just love it when they happen.

I got the job!!!!! I'm so incredibly happy right now. I was so scared that I wouldn't get hired. Right up until the moment I opened the letter I was thinking that I wouldnt' get it. Yay me! Yay me! I'm going to make money this summer. Actual money. I won't be leaving from paycheck to paycheck. I cant' believe this I'm so freaking happy.


copyright Becky Diak. hehehe