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Well, this weekend I got berated by friends for not updating my website enough. So here goes. I'm at work right now. Completely looking forward to quitting. It will be soon. I had my physical for UIC last week. I was giving a pronouncment of healthy. However, I did find out that I have abnormally low blood pressure, 106/50. Ouch. She said that since everything else was fine I really shouldn't worry about it and that its probably either genetic or a result of me working out alot. So hopefully thats true and everythings OK. On an up note though, I do not have Tuberculosis. So go me.

Well for right now you'll have to live without the exciting conclusion to our trip to new york. Anyways, Its October now. Leaves are changing colors. The semester is half over. And I'm now 22. Craziness, you know as much as I've always gotten along better with adults I never actually thought I would become one. Its kinda scary and I really don't like it. My birthday was alot of fun. The club sang to me and that was cool. We went to Johnny Rockets for my birthday party where I got the best present ever. It seems that a bunch of people (led by Andrius) chipped in to get me a digital camera. To say that I was surprised is an understatement. To say that I was ecstatic is an even bigger understatement. I was/am thrilled beyond measure. I've been completely pathetic with it, taking pictures of everything. A couple more notes of good news, I've gotten an A on both my marketing and my philosophy exams. Yay Me!!! One thing that did strike me as odd when the teahcers handed me back my exams was when my marketing instructor handed back my exam she said, "Oh so you're Becky" but at the end of the class after my philosophy professor handed back our exams she called me over and asked what I thought about the exam and how the class was going. Its just always fascinated me that I can be two completely different people in two different places.

Part IV - I have absolutely no idea how many parts this is going to take - Anyways, so I left off with the WTC. after we left there we headed back to Pia's where we actually finally met her. She's about my hieght (maybe a little taller) with very short dark hair. She's also incredibly nice (you have to be to allow your nephew and two of his friends that you've never met just come and stay with you). Anyways, that night we went to an asian restaurant called Ruby Foo's. This was a rather upscale restaurant with incredibly good food. I had sushi rolls that were incredible. I also had my first try of Calamari which was good as well. The only problem here is that I don't know if I can use the calamari at this place as a good way to judge considering everything at this restaurant tasted great. Anyways, the main thing about Ruby Foo's is the dessert. I tried the fried ice cream. And I pretty much melted once I tasted it. After that we went to a grocery store near Pia's to get some breakfast items and drinks to keep at her place during our stay. Then we turned in for the night. The next day was a long day. At least for me. We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And spent pretty much the entire day there. they had a lot of great paintings and ancient artifacts, but sadly my head just isn't designed for being in a museum for that long and even now writing and thinking about it I'm beginning to get a headache. Needless to say I wanted to leave before Nick or Andrius did. However, there was one part I did particularly enjoy and that was an exhibit they had up on 17th century fashion. One thing I realized and enjoyed about the piece was that there was not one thing that wasn't completely overdone. From the hair to the fabric and design of the dresses to the wallpaper nothing could be plain everything had to have some design or texture to it that made it incredibly ornate. Well after we left the Met we went over to another restaurant recommended by Elaine. Which again turned out to be very good. Then we walked back to Pia's. This meant walking thru Central Park which I definitely got a kick out of. I got to see parts I'd seen in various movies. also walked thru Strawberry Fields (the part designed by Yoko Ono in memory of her husband and in hope of peace). Along with that I was also at the place where Lennon got shot. Later Andrius and I tried to go to Time Square but were interrupted by food. So instead we ended up going to another Asian restaurant with Pia and Nick (not that I'm complaining). This one called Rain. This time I had an incredibly juicy pork roast with tomatoes and pinapple (This, though, was not as good as the one I had on Valentine's Day). After that I believe I shared dessert with Andrius. Then Nick, Andrius and I made our way to Time Square as Pia went home to rest (she did work all day and all). Time Square was a trip. The best way I can explain it is a carnival. There's lights everywhere. People crowded all up and down the street. I think Time Square was my favorite part of the whole trip. It was definitely the part that made the biggest impression on me. I spent most of the time just in disbelief.

Part III - New York - So the next day we set off for New York City. Andrius's Cousin Abe explained how to get to where we were going so we had some idea of what we were doing. It took about 2 hours to actually get into the city (I think) from CT. We found our way to Pia's place after a couple of missed turns and unloaded the car. I stayed with the car while Andrius and Nick took everything up. After which we parked the car in a lot behind her building and set off to see New York. It took me a little while to realize I was in New York pretty much becuase it doesn't feel like a big city. Downtown Chicago has all these office buildings and skyscrapers made of steel and glass that give the city a very dark grey look to it. NY looks more yellowish or beigish. It didn't seem to have the same urban feel. However then we got to Chinatown. Looking into Chinatown it looks like its only a couple street blocks but walking through it it feels huge. There were ALOT of little stores that sold purses or tourist shirts and the like. There was also outside fish markets which was incredibly cool to see but horrible to smell. We had lunch at a restaurant my coworker Elaine suggested which was really good. Everything on the menu was vegetarian. I first I was a little weary becuase imitation meat is rarely any good, but this turned out to be worth it so I was happy. In the true tradition of shopping I picked up a purse and two shirts while we were there. Andrius bought some chinese candy and we ran across a barber shop named Mei Dick and a restaurant called New Big Wang. After Chinatown we headed out to the site of the World Trade Centers. Which right now looks like a big hole in the ground. It was interesting to see the subway run through it.

The story continues...though to back track for a moment the first night we spent in Lewisberg, Andrius, Nick and I slept in the same room but Andrius and I were in one bed while Nick was in the other. In the middle of the night Andrius gets up and takes all the covers with him and goes and stands in front of Nick (whose sleeping). I wake up because I'm cold, and just see Andrius standing over Nick. I asked him what he's doing and when he doesn't answer I tell him to get back to bed. In the morning Andrius has absolutely no memory of what happened. Anyways, Sunday evening Nick drove out to his Aunt's place in Scranton, PA while Andrius and I, stayed at his mom's. The next day we went down to Intercourse, PA to visit the amish (and for the ability to say that I went to Intercourse). While we were there we went driving around and saw a bunch of the farms and the people working. We we to an amish restaurant (actually it was more like a restaurant taking advantage of the amish name). We also stopped and took a picture in front of the town sign ("Welcome to Intercourse"). And while we were there we went to this winery that had free taste testing. When I went in I asked the guy for the sweetest wine they have there. He said that that would have to be Becky's Blush. How cool is that. Since that was just too good Andrius's Mom offered to buy me a bottle. She also bought me a stuffed bear that had a shirt on it that said "I love Intercourse" and Andrius got a shot glass that said the same thing. After we left Intercourse we drove back to Lewisberg grabbed our stuff then drove up to Scranton where we ate dinner with Nick's family. I got to meet his aunt Mary and his Aunt Louise. The next day we went swimming in their pool even though it wasn't quite warm enough. Even after getting used to the water, I was still shivering. But if I kept moving I was usually fine. After we left Scranton (sometime around 1pm on Tuesday) we headed out for Conneticut where we were going to stay the night with Andrius's Aunt Ilze. I got to meet two of the cutest boys ever, Devon and Baden, who were son's of Andrius's cousin Abe. We had dinner with everyone that night and then Andrius, Nick and I played Monopoly. This is when I realized that Monopoly was not my game. Its not just that I lose but even if I'm winning I'm not having fun. So I realized there's something amiss there. And decided I just wasn't going to be playing that game again.

Ok so here's my attempt at writing down what happened over my vacation for everyone. We started out Saturday (14th) at around hmmm I don't remember, somewhere around 10 or 11. Whatever it was it was late. Which would become a staple for this trip (by the end I just gave up even trying to wake up on time). After packing up the car and saying goodbye to Ollie we headed out of town. Sadly enough getting out of town was actually the hardest part of the trip. Construction slowed our way out of chicago which ended up taking 2 hours. The trip otherwise went smoothly except for a light detour taking by mistake which added about a half an hour to our travels. So we ended up getting into Lewisberg, PA around midnight their time. Got to meet Andrius's mom who was very nice and had food out for us. The next day we took a tour of Lewisberg stopping to get some ice cream and visiting a covered bridge along with a couple other olden sites including a one room school named Sodom.

Well I'm back from my vacation. It was incredibly fun. I don't really have time to get too in depth about it yet but I will. I've promised people. I'll also be putting the pictures up. so there will be much more to be enjoyed on this sight.

This past Friday I threw a surprise party for Andrius's Birthday. I had a bunch of people meet up at Fiesta Mexicana and then I brought Andrius to the restaurant. When we got there everyone had their menu's covering their faces so that Andrius wouldn't see recognize them (Props to Kaveh for the idea). It was funny walking into a restaurant where practically half of the patrons are hiding behind there menus. Well Andrius and I walk in and then everyone drops their menus and yell "Surprise". Andrius was so shocked he practically stumbled backwards. I was also pleasantly surprised to see more people then I was expecting there. In the end 13 people were able to make it to the celebration. 15 if you count me and Andrius. The food was good and they had live music. But the best part had to be when the waiters came out and took a picture of Andrius wearing a Sombrero(sp). Andrius had alot of fun, and that was the point.

I had so much fun this weekend I don't think I'll be able to capture it all. On Sunday, Andrius, Pete, Dmitriy, Josh, Elena, Crystal and I all took the trek up to the Wisconsin Dells to a water park (which apparently is the largest water park in the country) called Noah's Ark. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. The times I've been to water parks before I tended to get bored easily and be ready to leave after only a few hours. But not this time. We got there around 11 and I wasn't ready to leave even when we did leave at 7. But it was good that we left when we did because as it was we didn't get home until close to 1am. Among some of the highlights of the day was Josh screaming on the Sting Ray, Andrius pushing me into all the waterfalls on the Lazy River, me flying off my innertube(sp), testing out every combination of people possible on the Jungle, and doing the 100ft drop (even though its not as scary as you first think, the point is that I actually did it). Yesterday I found out that it is definite that I'll be able to pay rent and bills for the entire year which makes me feel alot better about the upcoming year.

Happy 4th of July everyone. Interesting news, I've almost completely forgotten that I even have a journal. I take it as a good thing. That I don't currently feel the need to pour out my heart on a regular basis. Yesterday, Andrius and I went to the taste. I had lobster for the first time in my life. I really liked it. Oddly enough it tasted like eggs. We left early as to miss the major crowds. But by doing that we also missed the fireworks. But have no fear we're going to watch the Evanston fireworks tonight. I also found out yesterday that I'm going up for Purple belt on August 7th. This is the assessment I feel the least confident going into. Sensei Jeff was fine with the date so I suppose I should trust his judgement however, I don't quite feel ready. Another fun point in Becky's life, I'm going to get to go to a wedding in a few weeks. One of the Sensei is getting married and he invited Andrius. So I get to go as his date. Yay! So I get to dress up and dance. how much fun is that! I think that's it from me for now. Have a fun holiday all. TA

I have absolutely no idea what today's date is. Hmm...oh well first time that happened. I'm currently in a Mac store killing time before Andrius Nick and I head off to see Farenheit 9/11. Sorry for any misspellings there. Oh well. things have been going decent for me. I would really like it if the weater would warm up and start acting more like summer. that would make me happy. However maybe I'm asking too much of chicago for that. I know I haven't been updating my journal very regularly lately. I just haven't felt the need to talk about anything. I guess that's a good thing. Or at least that's how Im taking it. Works fun however, I sometimes get the feeling that I'm back in grade school with some of my co workers. The amount of whining is impressive. also I haven't been paid yet which is beginning to become a real problem. I went bike riding for the first time in a long time yesterday. I borrowed Kirby's bike and went out on the bath along the lake. It was really nice but since it was getting late I was getting rather chilly. today I also stole a dresser from someone's trash. I figure I can paint it and get it too look nice. but then comes the question of should I paint all my furnisher or just that piece. Or possibly both dressers. I don't know. I also have to decide on a color which is going to also be an annoying process. I don't even really have a color in mind. Well hopefully I'll figure all that out before I lose the iniative to actually paint it in the first place. We'll see what happens.

Wow has it been awhile since I've updated. I didn't mean for it to go that long. Things have been happening it just seems like I don't really want to talk about them. Not because they are all bad but more because I'm not in the most talkative mood. anyways, I'm at work waiting to get a student so I can start registering them for classes. My advisor today was 20min late. So there goes any aspirations of getting out of here early. yesterday was an incredibly long day.

So I'm almost finished with Buffy Season 6. I have about 5 episodes left to watch. As of right now this season is turning out to be a really well done season. I hesitate to call it my favorite simply because I haven't season the episodes enough. But it most likely could end up being my favorite. I'm trying to come up with a list ranking all my fav epis. My biggest problem is that different episodes are good in different ways. When I do have a solid list done I'll post it on the site.

I finally got Buffy Season Six. Its actually incredibly interesting where I was afraid it would be one of the worst seasons. The arch of the season seems to be well done in this season which has been a problem in earlier seasons. Andrius mentioned how its not as witty as it has been in the past and that is something I do miss but more then that I don't like how they started out the series showing teens as mature and capable but now just have them as moody little children. I wish they wouldn't change their writing of teenagers just because the main group is older. Other then that I'm really liking this season. I went to the House on the Rock yesterday with Andrius and Nick. The best way for me to describe it is a museum on acid. There's just way, way, WAY too much to see in that place. Honestly, I wish I had the words to explain it. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pics up to help everyone understand. That's of course if I can get the pics from Nick and Andrius. I didn't take any myself.

Out of curiosity I just read over what happened to me a year ago today. Funnily enough, every thing I said I was going to do that weekend didn't actually pan out. Well, hopefully there will be no gliches in my going to the Cardinals game tonight.

So here's this for things just falling into my lap. I was sitting eating Thai food today when Crystal called and asked if I wanted a pair of tickets to the Cubs vs Cards game tomorrow night. The best part of all this is that I had to take Jason to a Cubs vs Cards game becuase I lost the bet we made last season. Life just kinda works out like that.

I had the oddest dream last night. I was being attacked by many many cats. Well actually both Andrius and I were. The cats could talk and kept threatening us. They also were constantly looking for santa. This is the part that got tricky because santa was their leader and Andrius and I had to drive all the way down to St. Louis because somehow Santa was related to Budweiser. It was odd.

Its Friday!! That's always a fun realization. Here's another fun one. I only have a week left working for the school of nursing. Yay!! I realized that this morning. Other then that due to recent expenditures I again have no money. I need to work on self control when it comes to money. Anyone feel like teaching me. Didn't think so.

Well I had a fun time in the emergency room the other night. It came to the point where I was in so much pain I knew it wouldn't do any good to stay at home. So Andrius, Nick and I all went to the emergency room at Evanston Hospital. The doctors there couldn't get a decisive result on what was going wrong with me. But their intuition told them it was something. So they treated me with antibiotics, which are now making me queasy, and getting the antibiotics was an adventure in itself. So Now I have to make an appointment with a phycisian for a check up to make sure everythings going alright. fun for me.

Well, its May now. I had a whole lot of hell trying to keep my job at the School of Nursing for the month. Regardless of the fact that they told me I could. Dumb administration. Anyways, Its nice to be done with classes. I'm all moved in to my new apartment. Which hopefully will begin feeling like home soon. I still don't have a real bed there. Which makes sleeping there a littlle less then fun. Oh well, Kirby is a wonderful roommate. And so far everything is going well. Other then that not much is going on with me. Looking forward to warmer weather and spending time outside. Also glad that I'll have money this summer. Definitely a better feeling from the last past year where I was completely broke and in debt. soon all debts will be paid off and I can go on with my life. Here's to a clean slate financially.

So I'm going to be moving a good majority of my stuff in about an hour and a half. it makes me sad watching everyone move out. I don't want people to leave. Don't get me wrong I'm glad the semester is over but it just makes me sad that everything is changing again. that's one of the worst parts of college, you're constantly moving around once you get used to your schedule or where you live then everything gets uprooted. Oh well. I found out today that the 6th season of Buffy comes out May 29th. I can't wait.

Ok now I know its been a while since I've written but for some reason everytime I sit down nothing comes to me to write down. Well I spent Easter at my grandmothers. It ended up being alot of fun, especially on Saturday. I got down to Springfield a little after 12 and we went straight from the train station to a diner to have lunch. After which my grandmother, aunt, uncle, and I went to the local mall. They ended up getting me two new pairs of shorts (we'll give shorts a try for this summer. who knows I might end up liking them) and two shirts. When we finally got back home we settled for a while then had dinner. My aunt asked if I wanted to go see a movie and we finally decided on Ella Enchanted which was incredibly fun and cute. I really liked it. One of the better movies I've seen in a while. After that I went to a local karoke bar with my two aunts and my two uncles (Aunt Ann, Uncle Ed, Aunt Debbie, and Uncle Tom). I sang back for my Uncle Ed when he sang Mustang Sally. I contemplated doing something else but never actually did. On sunday my mother and older brother came up for church and then dinner. My younger brother was working for the day (Catholic Shrine restaurant is incredibly busy on Easter) and my dad just didn't want to (fine by me). Easter dinner was the worst part of the weekend. We had reservations at this place called Chesapeake. Well we found out when we got there that apparently who ever was taking reservations had done a really bad job because we had to wait an hour. The horrible thing was not the wait but that whenever we asked how long they thought our wait was going to be they would just say that they couldnt' give us an answer. Sadly, the food was not worth the wait. Beyond that, my grandmother and I ended up going back to the mall on Monday where she bought me a new pair of shoes (their incredibly cute). So now I'm home. I had my last day of classes today. I now just have finals on my horizon and then the semester is over. I can't wait for summer. I'm so excited about being able to spend my summer up in chicago I can hardly find the words to explain it. Life will be good.

I went out driving with Andrius for most of the day. We drove around evanston, roger's park and Wilmette. We even managed to make it to the Bahai (sp) temple before Pete called reminding me I was supposed to be elsewhere. On eof the things I'm realizing with Andrius is that I always want to be around him. It isn't the feeling of being obsessed with him or "drowning" but instead its that I'm happiest when its just the two of us. When there's nothing else pulling on our concentration. I will admit that there were times this weekend where I was guilty of trying to get him to stay with me even though I knew he should probably do whatever else he needed to do. Its just that I so much treasure those moments where its only us that I try my darndest to make sure they last for as long as I can. I do realize at some point they must end. I just love it when they happen.

I got the job!!!!! I'm so incredibly happy right now. I was so scared that I wouldn't get hired. Right up until the moment I opened the letter I was thinking that I wouldnt' get it. Yay me! Yay me! I'm going to make money this summer. Actual money. I won't be leaving from paycheck to paycheck. I cant' believe this I'm so freaking happy.


copyright Becky Diak. hehehe