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Rebecca Romaine

Easy Stuff

  • Name: Rebecca Romaine (yes this is my birth name)
  • DOB: October 5, 1982 (I expect presents!!! hehehe)
  • Siblings: 2 brothers, Mike 24, Doug 18
  • HQ: Currently Chicago
  • Major: Nutrition
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Weight: 105#
  • Where all the time goes (Hobbies): Karate and Dancing
  • Instruments: 2 (really more like 1 1/2). Clarinet-10yrs and counting. Violin-going on 8 months.


  • Color: Purple
  • TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Movie: My Cousin Vinny
  • Band: Nine Days (with Matchbox Twenty in a close second)
  • Song: Wannabe by Nine Days
  • Book: Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom


  • Future Goals: counsel people with eating disorders/get my black belt/fall in love hmmm...well I dont' know if I want to counsel people anymore and I've already fallen in love so I guess that just leaves getting my black belt
  • Relationship status: ???? (trust me I'm just as out of the loop as you are)
  • Biggest Fear: Not being me/tearing my other ACL
  • First Kiss: hehehe I was about 12 (maybe 11) and waiting at the YMCA with a bunch of friends. So we started playing Truth or Dare. Guess what Becky got dared to do. Yep, and hence my first kiss. :)
  • Nicknames:Sheshmadec, Double Decker Becker,Toad, Rebecca Chicken Chomaine with Teriaky sauce Diak, Sweet Bitch, Little One, Beckaroo, Beckers, Chubecca,Stumpy, Ewok, Shorty, Mellow Becky, Midget, Grasshopper, Bumblebee, Peanut, Beckles, Wobbles and Beautiful (can you blame me if this one's my favorite)

Questions I thought were fun: What was...

  • your first grade teacher's name?

    Mrs Whitehead

  • your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

    Hmmm...this ones tricky. I was never much of a saturday morning person. As far back as I can remember. The only one I can think of is Freakazoid.

  • the name of your very first best friend?

    Lisa in preschool. After that was Karen until about junior high when Angie became my best friend. Then when she went psycho it became Tere. Sad part is that I don't keep in touch with any of these people on regular or even semi regular basis anymore.

  • your favorite breakfast cereal?

    Oh there's no competition. Life. I don't think there's another cereal even in the running.

  • your favorite thing to do after school?

    Well from fourth grade on I would come home grab something to eat and sit down and watch The Young and the Restless. Every now and again if it was nice enough outside the kids from the neighborhood would get together to play whatever sports game was popular at the time (ie numbers, bounce, etc).

Getting to know me