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Flirting Tips

Use "Mirroring" Body Language-
"Mirroring" is a kind of unspoken communication, where you copy - or "mirror" - the other person's body language. So if he's got his arms crossed, you cross your arms too; if he runs his hand through his hair, you do the same. Don't do exactly everything he does, or you'll end up looking like a monkey! But by gracefully mirroring some of his gestures, his brain gets the subconscious message that you like him. This is a great trick for helping someone relax when you're flirting with them at a party.

For advanced flirters, this is one of the all-time classic flirting tricks. When you're in a conversation with a guy, ask him if you can tell him a secret, then lean in to his ear and whisper a sincere compliment ("You have really good taste in clothes")

Drop It!-
This one is so old-fashioned, your mom probably used it. There's a reason it's a classic though - this flirting staple hardly ever fails! Walk past a guy you like, making eye contact with him and giving him a nice smile. Then just when you're passing him, drop something (a book, your bag, whatever). If he's at all interested in you, he'll bend down to help you pick it up- and voila! There's your opportunity to start chatting.

Ask for His Help-
Creating opportunities for your crush to "help" you will give him a confidence boost and make him feel more comfortable and assured around you. Pick something you're sure he's good at, like helping you practice a part in a play, showing you how to stretch before running, getting your car started, or solving a problem. Devious? Maybe- but it works!

Repeat His Name-
Repeating a guy's name in conversation sends a message directly to his subconscious that you are interested in him. Don't go overboard ("Yes Billy, I agree, Billy, that the mall, Billy, is very fun, Billy!")!!! Saying his name a few times through the conversation is enough - and a very effective flirting technique.

Ask Questions that Show You "Get" Him-
This is an advanced flirting move that, done right, can make a guy think you were made for him. The trick is to let him know you see something in him that no one else understands. To do that, you've got to guess how he sees himself inside, which is usually different from what everyone notices about him. So aim for complimenting the opposite. Is he a jock? Tell him how sensitive or spiritual he seems. Is he a dreamy, intellectual type? Tell him the first thing you noticed about him were his strong arms. Do this flirting maneuver right, and he'll be eating out of your hand!

Give the Head to Toe Look-
When a guy you like is walking towards you or standing across the room, give him a look all over from head to toe. Then flash him your best smile! There's no mistaking this means you think he's fine all over.

Use the Over the Shoulder Look-
If your crush is standing behind you, look over your shoulder- and smile at him. This flirtatious move is always a signal you are interested. (Trust us, he'll get the message!)

Have Something New To Do-
At a party, be the girl who gets everyone involved in an activity (like dancing) or a game (like "Truth, Dare, Double Dare"). Guys like girls who take charge in social situations. You'll seem like a lot of fun by doing this. Plus, you get the chance to think up something that will bring you closer to your crush!

The Wink-
At a party, in a group of people or even at school, look over at the guy you like, smile and give him a quick wink! Just be sure to follow the Primary Rule of Winking: W.O.O. ("Wink Only Once"). Winking once is a cute way to signal interest, and he'll go crazy wondering if you really did it - a good thing. But if you wink more than once, it looks like you got something stuck in your eye!

Give Him a Nickname-
The goal of this flirting move is to create an inside joke between you and your crush. Inside jokes are great for creating a bond and making it easier to connect when you see him again. Does he drink a lot of cola? Call him "sodapop." Does he talk about his car constantly? Call him "hot rod." Make sure it's something flattering or funny, and don't call him anything you'd be embarrassed to say again when you see him in the hall.

Use Props - Props -
Interesting items that you carry with you - are great for starting conversations with cute guys. The best props are interesting enough that guys will not be able to help themselves from coming over to talk to you about them. Don't leave home without your props! Great props include a T-shirt with a funny message, a really funky pair of shoes, a fabulous scent, unusual sunglasses, bright neon lipstick or nail polish, interesting jewelry, a great hat, or a cool magazine or book.
