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We started playing together about a month ago, but Bret and I (Matt) were in Nearly Pulling Away before that. We didn't have James, or any bassist for that matter until like two weeks of practicing. The thing was, I didn't want to be in Nearly Pulling Away any longer because I didnt think we were going anywhere, and I didn't like our bassist. Not to mention, the drummer we had goes to UW Madison, so he could never practice. Anyways, to make a long story short, I left NPA, and Bret came with me (after playing a final show of course). Bret and I still wanted to play, just not in that band. So we started looking for a drummer. Which wasn't hard since we had both known Tony for a while. So we just started practing together. The result was magic. But we needed a bassist. At first we were gonna have Mike (little asian from Black Socks) in the band, but he couldn't get a hold of any equipment. So we figured since James had equipment, and he was already in a band, he would fit in nicely. Then, we started practicing with Mike Kubiak (formerly from Lack Of Motivation) as a second vocalist and it sounded pretty badass, so we just told him to keep coming. And here we are, Embracing Failure.
