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Do-Rai-Mee Gerbilation




Do-Rai-Mee Gerbilation

In Loving Memory



Gerbils of the West

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Meet my gerbils!

Right now, I have a pair of females, Dora and Aimee, and a pair of males, Frankie and Eddie. I want more - someday I’d like to become a gerbil breeder. I can’t tell you how much I love having my gerbies, watching them, listening to their cute little squeaks! View the gallery!

The Girls

Dora: Agouti. This sweet little girl always seems to figure out new things first, like the wheel, the hideaway, and the sand bath. She’s also more of a chewer than her clan mate! Dora’s a little on the shy side, but definitely less so now that I’ve switched them over to Carefresh. She had a runny nose for a few days, but I discovered it was due to an allergy to aspen, and she’s been doing great since I made the switch.
Aimee: Dark-Eyed Honey. She’s the outgoing one – she has NEVER turned down a sunflower seed from the palm of my hand, and was the first of my girls to climb all the way onto my hand. Since she figured out the wheel, she really races in it! She loves to sit on top of the hideaway and watch whatever’s going on. She’s recently discovered the joys of thumping, which she prefers to do when I’m half-asleep, so that I think something is happening to them and jump up in a panic to check!

I love to watch the girls together – grooming each other, playing, or just snuggled up asleep. The do some of the funniest things! Once, Dora had hopped into the hideaway though the hole on top, and her tail was sticking out, so Aimee hopped over, grabbed her clan mate’s tail, and tried to stuff it down through the hole!

Don’t think these girls are all sweetness and innocence – they can make their share of mischief when they put their minds to it. One night, I awoke to a strange rattling sound coming from their cage. I investigated, and discovered that the girls had put one of their treats into the wheel, and were taking turns running, to make it rattle and roll around. I guess they think a trick is only funny the first time, because they haven’t done that one since!

The Boys

Frankie: Pied Black. Frankie is my little sweetheart. In the week after we lost his first clanmate, Jude, I was quite worried that Frankie would be lonely and depressed, so we spent a lot of time together. He took very good care of Jude and was always very sweet to him. When we first brought them home and Jude was sleeping in the end of a tube, Frankie always slept right outside. Jude loved to groom Frankies ears, and I used to worry that he was being too rough, but Frankie never gave so much as a squeak. He loves his sandbaths and his wheel - he especially loves scooting the wheel forward so that it bangs against the glass!
Eddie: Pied Black. We brought Eddie home the week after Jude passed over the Bridge, and at first he was a biter, but he mellowed out real quick. Now he's just a cutie. I think he likes to watch me even more than I like to watch him! Eddie loves to run in the wheel and chew on tubes.

The split-caging for these boys took quite a long time, mostly because I was jumpy and paranoid about someone getting hurt. Finally, Eddie took matters into his own hands - he chewed through the divider and climbed over to Frankie's side! The two have been best friends ever since!