My arrival from France, on a ship The Queen Mary, in 1956 was brought about from my parents eloping. My biological father was Russian and my mother, being French, could not raise me alone so she found another French man who would marry her if they came to America. She used to tell me stories of my childhood drifting with the country gypsies in the south (Le Midi), where we lived. She could always find me among them either singing or dancing or just spending time with them. I believe these ancient nomads inspired my innate love and wonder of herbs and natural healing.
My destiny as a midwife was clearly marked when I turned three as my mother's pregnancy with my brother sparked an incessant interest in childbearing and women's health. My parents did their best to raise me by upper class standards in the Washington DC area, and gave me every opportunity to live up to the American dream they had found. But on my 18th birthday I left to find my destiny which ended up in Colorado two years later with an OB/GYN who trained me for three years to be a midwife. My schooling and credentials can be found in my resume.
The ancient roads of this website are of my home in southern France. These roads, some being over 800 years old, are symbolic to the roads of my life that have led me to find the HealthZone of every person who stumbled on my path. I have come to believe that each of us are created to achieve our ultimate "Zone of Health" while in these physical bodies. Very few succeed and those that do are for the most part prosecuted and/or ignored. The remaining pictures are also of France.
I've been here almost half a century. I plan to go back and help the people of my country understand their HealthZone until the end of my days.