\\ Updates \\
» Welcome to my web page .... BenJi IS HoT! lol! Ashley made this one for me..
wat a darling.. isnt she a darling lolol =) EMail me for more stuff! this site
is multipurpose.. take everything you need.. link back wen you shuld.. u kno ur
concience lolol.. i am going to have my Diary up there soOn.. ashley is gunna
disign it for me.. she does my life! she is my savor! make sure you check out
her web site.. its bangin son! lmfao! hehe...
you cant touch that.. nope nope lolol.. anyway! new things to come new things to
come.. well.. i just have this main page done for now.. my other stuff is coming
dont worry my demand is hi lolol!! well well well hehe.. i gotta sai this stuff
is so stressfull *whipes sweat* lolol.. we are getting madd pictures up dont
worry guys!!! mwahaha.. ashley has all tha shiznit up on her site already so
check it out of you need something i dont have.. but iit will come! I WILL
PREVAIL! lolol.. me and ashley came up with this idea to have the links -->
over there beacuse it was different and neat!! and you can use the back button
lolol... you are capable.. we will have link backs for dumb ppl tho.. ashley is
thinking about using some frame thing but keep it the same.. idk.. she is the
brians of this oporation! well.. i gotta get to work.. ashley is gunna sign me
up for my journal and get me started so i can share my thoughts to the world.. i
got the whole world.. in my hands yes yes i got the whole wide world.. in my
hands.. mwahhahaha.. lolol... and the funny thing is! yu cant stop me! well.. i
am starting to just blog a bit..and this isnt a blog! this is my update box!
more updates to come my homies! <3 -- \\ Sam //