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Number One Rulez

Wanna Get close to Blazin’ Squad? You can as Kenzie, Freek, and Krazy tell us how to play by their rules!


What’s the number one rule for getting the girl?
Freek: I’d just go up to her and start chatting! I’m very forward - I’m not they type to play games.
Kenzie: Make eye contact, that’s the secret.
Krazy: I’d just go up to and talk to her to see what she’s like.

What kinda girls do ya like?
Freek: I like a girl with nice, small feet! Oh, and I really like Liz from Atomic Kitten.
Kenzie: I like a girl with a nice personality, who’s laid back and won’t run up to us going mad!
Krazy: I really like Britney Spears, but generally I go for girls who aren’t too shy, with nice eyes. Girls who don’t have a bad attitude!

How can a girl keep you interested?
Freek: They shouldn’t be too keen. I don’t like it when girls keep calling me all the time.
Kenzie: I’m the opposite. I’d want a girl to ring me regualary - well, at least once a week.


What’s the number one rule a Blazer should follow if they want to grab your attention at concerts?
Kenzie: Scream loud! I notice pretty girls too.
Krazy: Bring a massive banner to wave saying “I love Krazy” or “I love Blazin’ Squad!”

How should a Blazer act if they see you?
Freek: They just have to like our music. Blazin’ Squad is all about the music.
Krazy: Be nice. Come up and tell us you like our music, but don’t give us any attitude!

So what’s the number one rule for how not to behave?
Kenzie: Don’t come running up to us screaming for an autograph! One girl has run up to me every day this week with something different for me to sign! I’m thinking “How many things do you want?”! I do it, but I think she’s totally mad!


What’s the number one rule for, er, bagging a number one in the charts?
Freek: Go deep into the lyrics so they mean something.
Krazy: And have a hooky chorus everyone can sing along to.

What’s the best way to celebrate a number one?
Krazy: Throw a party and invite our celeb mates from Blue, So Solid, and Suababes!

Should you admit to liking Gareth Gates or an S Club Juniors song?
Freek: I’d admit to liking any song - even if it wasn’t cool.
Kenzie: It’s not my type of music, but we’re not gonna beat each other up for liking a song!


What’s the number one rule for being a member of Blazin’ Squad?
Freek: Be focused on the music.
Krazy: Be funny and have a laugh.
Kenzie: Just be yourself!

How do you make sure you don’t get on each other’s nerves?
Freek: Try not to argue!
Kenzie: Try not to wind each other up too much. Let everyone do their own thing and give them a bit of space.

And what’s your number one rule for staying cool?
Krazy: Be fashionable - we’re wearing Adidas and Nike.
Freek: Yeah, wear the latest clothes and keep up with fashion.
Kenzie: And be yourself - don’t copy anyone else!

Take from It's Hot Magazine.