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FRANCE 2002-2003

Although I'll be gone for 9 months, I will always be thinking of you and how special you are to me, I will be in your heart whatever you do and wherever you go. I'll send you pictures and tell you what i am doing (other than missing you so much!). It will be like you're there with me. And I'll be waiting for you come December!

September 30, 2002

Hello baby, here are some pics of me in Brugges in Belgium, I really wish you were here!

From left to right: Katja(Germany), Limor, Regine, me (pure Canada)

Guess Who??

October 11, 2002

Hello Baby, it has been over a month since i left and the days are so long! I am trying to have the best time I can over here but it is proving to be very difficult without you by my side. I miss you tons and hope that you will still come visit me.

So far I have seen Paris and Brugge and both places were absolutely gorgeous, and I promise that I will take you there when you come.

Happy Halloween!

Hello Baby bear,

I have been thinking about you all day and I miss you so much, I wish that you were coming to see me but it's ok because I love you so much and nothing can change that! Thanks for the website honey it's really sweet! Talk to you soon, I love you baby!