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Hey, here's just a few more pictures of me for fun I guess you could say!

Just hangin' out!

Man, here's me at my prime, sweaty, gross and more than likely smelly! I don't get it, Britney and Christina get all hot and sweaty and they look hot.. why not me?...... I really don't mean that tho, forget them.. I'm real.

Me on the beach on vacation

Here we were in the Bahamas on a cruise, Alllll byyyy mmyysseelllfffff.... this picture seriously looks like my cousins were cut out of the picture and just left me standing there. Wow, I'll be damned! I did cut them out! HAHA! Ya, I learned how to do that editing tricky shit in my Digital Graphics class, it's bad ass!


Here's the fun stuff, surfing! This is probably the best picture of me surfing, tearin' it up! Gosh, I love surfing, I need a boy who is a surfer, but ya know, you can't get too many of those type around here, and if ya do, they sure don't live here, they are always just visiting or something it sucks. But ya pretty good picture of me surfing, I think so at least.