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Mikaila Marie Underwood

Mommy and Daddy's Little Princess

March 17, 2001 - November 5, 2002

Mikaila's Special Bargain

An Angel suddenly appeared in Mikaila's hospital room.

Mikaila was the only one to see this Angel because
she was so like an angel herself

"Mikaila," she said in a soft voice,

"God is very lonely in heaven and he wants you to visit him."

"Thank God for me", Mikaila said, "but I can't leave my family."

"God will be very sad to hear that", the Angel replied.

"It can't be helped" Mikaila told the Angel,

"My family is the most precious thing in the world,
and I love them to bits.

I would be very sad if I could not be with them always."

The Angel flew back to heaven and told God what Mikaila had said.

He even cried a few tears.

But God is very smart and an idea occurred to him,

so he sent the Angel back to Earth
to tell Mikaila his idea.

"Would you come and visit God if you could be with your family always?"
she asked Mikaila.

"Of course, " Mikaila answered. She was a wonderful little girl
and never liked to see anyone sad.

"God has an idea," the Angel told Mikaila,

"If you will come with me right now, God will put a portion
of your soul inside the hearts of your family.

Then you will be with them always.
You will be with them everywhere they go, and they will know you are there".

"How wonderful, "Mikaila said, and she shook hands
with the Angel to seal the bargain.

Then Mikaila closed her eyes and went to sleep.

On the 17th day of March 2001, I was blessed with a baby girl,
a perfect one.

The most beautiful lips and a perfect nose,
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,

Those big, bright precious eyes,
Whether they sparkled when she smiled,
or glistened when she cried,

Almost always in pigtails was her beautiful golden hair,

Sitting in front of the TV watching the Wiggles
In her favorite fold our chair.

She loved to stare at the moon and point at every star,

And make her silly little sound at every flag we passed in the car.

With her purse swung over her right arm,
And her baby tightly tucked under her other,

She'd push her miniature shopping cart full of toys,
searching for yet another.

If you're one of the lucky few,
She'd talk to you for several minutes on the phone,

And then she'd sneak away to her bedroom,
In her tunnel to be alone.

She always pranced around the house.
Chanting numerous, "Mommies" and "Babies,"

And she loved to try and open doors
With Mommy and Daddy's keys.

When every she entered a room,
She'd screech out her

And as my Angel flies off to Heaven,
You'll hear her special

Author: Mikaila's Mommy

I would like to share some special memories that
I had with my daughter Mikaila Marie.

Life with Mikaila was indeed the greatest joy of my life.

I would like to share with you some of our

all time greatest moments.

Waking up with Mikaila, we followed a strict routine.

From our room we would hear "Mommy, Mama".

Yes, in the morning she called both of us Mommy,

I'd go into the room, pick her up,
and gather some necessities.

Her blanket, baby and the number one necessity being
her pacifier.

Grabbing her sippy cup, filling it with milk,
getting her a bowl of CoCo Puffs, sitting down and eating breakfast.

Yes, she was kook kook for CoCo Puffs.
After breakfast, the playing began.

If I wasn't chasing her, or watching her favorite show,
we were off on a journey, or playing
with each other's toes.

When Mom would get home, we'd jump from behind the door,
around the corner, or even hide in the bathroom
just to scare her.

Once Mom was home it was time for the tiger.

I would crawl on my hands and knees and growl
like a tiger, or some animal, and chase her.

Of course with Mom home, Mikaila had her safe zone.

On some occasions though, the tiger would get them both.

After a long day of playing, having breakfast,lunch,
and dinner which always included
corn or chicken nuggets, it was bath time.

Mom would always bathe her, and warn her

"That Daddy's going to check to make sure you are cleaned

We only checked one spot, that being her armpits,
it wasn't to check for cleanliness,
just for the tickling factor.

We all had certain names we called Mikaila,
and for some odd reason,
I called her Bubba.

We had heard all of her words, but the newest
was Bubba.

We discovered that Mikaila could in fact talk,
but was choosing not too.

I tried to bribe her with Kit Kats and CoCo Puffs,
and all sorts of chocolate for dinner if she would say,

"I love you."

In the sweetest little voice in her car seat, I heard,

"Ha, Ha, Ha, I love you."

This isn't good-bye Baby,
but rather I'll see you soon,

Daddy loves you.

Heavenly Greeting

Dear God,

For a long time,
I have wondered about how You would meet me

When I die and come to Live with You in Heaven

I know You reach out Your hand to welcome
Your people into your home,

But I never knew if you Reached out Your right hand,
Or if You Reached out Your left hand.

But now I don't have to Wonder about that anymore.

I asked my mommy and She told me that you

Reach out both of Your hands And Welcome us with

A great big giant hug.


I can't wait for my hug, God.

-Mattie J.T. Stepanek

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Page last updated November 6, 2003