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Mikaila Marie Underwood

My name is Lainie and I am Mikaila's mother

This website is created and dedicated to my little girl

In this site you will read about how much
her father and I love and miss her

The day was November 4th, Kade and I went to a
Cardinal's game and dropped Mikaila off at my mom's.

My mom usually watched her and sometimes
Kade's parents would watch her.

We have season tickets so we would go whenever
there was a home game.

We had left the game about 15 minutes earlier because
the Cardinal's were losing, as they always do.

As we started walking to the parking lot
Kade's cell phone rang.

The only thing Kade kept saying on the phone was,
"Is she ok, Is she ok?"

When I heard those words I knew it was

I knew something had happened to my baby girl.

I immediately started to panic.
We ran about 10 minutes to the car and
I was hyperventilating because I couldn't breathe.

It was a lady that volunteered from the fire department
on the phone and she said
Mikaila was at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Kade asked her if Mikaila was ok
and she said she was breathing.

When we got to the hospital we actually learned differently.

She wasn't breathing.
The doctor said they were trying to get a
heart beat from her but they weren't able to.

We waited in a small room for about 15 minutes
and then the doctor came back and said
they got a heart beat and they were taking her
up to PICU and we would be able to see her.

I finally got to see my baby.

I would have never imagined something like
this would happen.

The first twenty four hours in PICU they were
giving her medication to help her heart beat
and she was on a ventilator.

She was in a coma.

On the 2nd day she was making improvements.

They decreased the medication helping her heart beat
and had the ventilator breathing less for her.

The doctors were shocked she had made it
through the night.

They told us she didn't have a chance
making it through the first night.

They figured she would die from brain damage
in the middle of the night,
but she didn't.

She started to make little improvements.

She would grab fingers, she would open her eyes
and look at me when I said her name
or when I talked she would look in my direction.

She even did the same for Kade.

The doctors said that did mean she had brain activity
they just weren't certain how severe the brain damage would be.

But I didn't care,
I just wanted my daughter to live.

Towards the end of the second day the doctor told
Kade and me that Mikaila was not going to die.

I was so relieved that I was not going to
lose my baby.

I had finally heard the words I had
waited what seemed like forever to hear.

But in the middle of the night
Mikaila took a turn for the worse.

Her heart rate and blood dropped dramatically
and we had almost lost her at that point,
but the doctor's increased her medication again
and put her on the ventilator 100%.

Her body stopped performing it's normal functions
like urinating and bowel movements.

Her whole little body started to swell up
and she didn't even look like the Mikaila
I've always known and loved.

It broke my heart.

Throughout the whole night and early morning
she continued to get worse.

She had an irregular heart beat.

I knew that she wasn't going to make it when
the nurse asked me if I'd like to hold her.

Soon afer the doctor's came in and recommended that
they take her off the life support because
there was nothing they could do to help her.

I held my daughter close and sang to her softly
as she took her last breaths.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are gray.

You never know dear how much
I love you,
please don't take my sunshine away.

She died on Novemeber 5th from heart failure.

Since all of Mikaila's vital organs were damaged from
the chlorine water, we were only able to donate
the corneas of her eyes and her heart valves.

Kade and I buried our daughter in her
Princess Aurora Halloween costume.

They say it's an accident but it's an accident
that could be prevented.

And that's the problem.

It's not being prevented.

She should be here.

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Website created by
Lady J's

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Page last updated March 28, 2004