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Jesus Of Nazareth's
Web Site
To Help Save The Anglicans

Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley of Fargo, North Dakota, are internationally known psychics who have channeled messages from The Afterlife since 1976.  Many of these messages and interviews with famous people from the past have been featured in their quarterly publication, Voices From Spirit Magazine. They are Spiritists, (though NOT Allan Kardec Spiritists,) who work closely with the Leadership In The Kingdom Of God, (Heaven) via The Grand Alliance (All The Leaders of positive faiths in The Afterlife working together to help the material world.)

Since 1997 The Polleys have been channeling messages from Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ during crucial times of crisis facing the world and The Afterlife. The latest concern Jesus' efforts to help save The Anglican Church, trying to convince those Anglicans who do not support homosexuality to break away from the churches that have homosexual clergy or who support homosexuality, and form their own church, a true Christian church.

On this web site we will post Jesus' messages for The Anglicans so they will be easily, and, immediately accessible to those who wish to read them. People have been having a difficult time finding the scattered material in the magazine, and have asked for a concentrated form like they have done with their reports on the terrible spiritual dead zones that The Kingdom Of God has set up around the Earth.  They have created this site to make it easier for people to find Jesus' pronouncements and keep track of what is going on.   Do check back frequently as new messages will be added when they become available.  We sincerely hope we can help Jesus accomplish His goals for the good of the Anglicans, the material world, and The Afterlife.

It is with the deepest regret that we must announce that we have to end this project due to sickness and overwork. We simply cannot continue this effort, though Jesus continues to reach out to The Anglicans. We cannot keep them advised of what He is doing. We are simply overloaded with too many projects. This is a very important one, but we simply do not have the time. We ask everyone's forgiveness in this matter, but there is nothing else that we can do. Our best wishes to all The Anglicans. We hope that Jesus succeeds in saving your church. He will never desert you as long as there is one true believer among you speaking out for him. Do not ever think that that can happen. He will always be with you. We can simply no longer carry His messages. His blessings and God's blessings to you all.

If you have any comments or questions
email Jesus at;

Jesus has a special audio message for members of The True Anglican Church,
the Anglicans everywhere who oppose sodomy.
Click Here
to listen to His important announcement.

You may also want to visit Speaker Linda J. Polley's  web site, Here's Jesus! which offers her weekly radio show in which Jesus answers important questions people send Him through her husband Gerald in trance.

Speaker Gerald Polley is not new to metaphysical work.  He and his wife are interviewed on radio stations around the world.  The list of their accomplishments would be to long to put here.  Visit their online resume to get a full idea of what they have done over the years, and the many publications they have been featured in.

Jesus Of Nazareth Blessing Heaven's Hero
Apostle Designate John Lennon, Formerly Of The Beatles.
 By; Speaker Linda J. Polley
Copyright © 2,003

Jesus Of Nazareth's Web Site
Copyright ©
By Spiritist Publications
By The Polleys 2,003.