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Eli's Press Page

Eli in the New York Metro, Oct. 26, 2009

Eli wins Fifth Place at the Tompkins Square Halloween Parade,
Oct. 25, 2009

Photo: Erika Searl

Eli at the Posh Pets Halloween Party, Oct. 24

Eli with the men from Rescue, Ink

Eli in the Animal Fair Magazine Halloween Party ad

Pope Eli in the Post, 10/19/09

Eli in the Daily News, 10/19/09

Pope Eli in the Daily News Photos

Click here to see Eli in the Huffington Post, 10/19/09

And on NBC New York!

Pope Eli arrives at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade, 10/19/09

The light of God shines in Pope Eli

Blessing the masses?

Eli with his Tattoo dog costume in Ricky's, 10/19/09

Michael Jackson tries on his new costume, 10/19/09

Eli on NY1, 10/19/09

Eli on NY1, 10/19/09


Copyright 2009 Karen Biehl
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