These little gems were taken from essays I marked at Victoria University. All spelling and grammar is faithfully reproduced here....
“God does not seem the type of being you wish to disobey. Eve must have displayed tremendous courage to actively disobey him, despite the temptation given by the serpent. Mutual submission at this point seems to be a welcome alternative to the consequences. Unfortunately there are less examples of God displaying his temper than God being displayed as a white domineering male.”
“The idea of duality would be contradictive to the monotheistic principle, and a dehumanisation of God/ess, to avoid this problem, couldn’t really exist, considering under the Christian belief we were made in Gods image and we are indeed human, although we are man and woman, not just man, So a conclusion to this would be difficult to settle upon.”
“The standard law is that the animal must be living before it is killed.”
“I think what many non Christians don’t realise is that the Bible is not just full of wonderful things that God and Jesus and the disciples did for the good but it is also full of evil men who did terrible things to the poor and slaves and Christians themselves, the Bible even has homosexuality in it, whole towns full of them. So it is important to realise that life back then in many ways is as it is now only God does not handle situations in quite the same way, he allows us a bit more of a free reign to run our world.
“For an example in Genesis chapter 19 there is a story of Abraham and Lot. Lot went to live in a town called Sodom, this town was totally homosexual so God burned it for its evil, now today God does not burn homosexuals and does not expect us to either but it does tell of these occurrences happening in the past. This is an example of a situation that should not be considered as advice, although being homosexual is not permitted in the Bible back then over the years it has become a more accepted relationship and we are not taught to kill for Gods will. However there are many examples in the Bible of things that we can learn from.”
“The ten commandments, a lovely little set of rules that in our day all seem to be very common events, naturally many of them is a great percentage of the evil in this world. So if someone to say if you commit a murder God will strike you with a bolt of lightening no- one would believe them, but if it happened this planet would become a much safer place to live on. Although telling no lies may be a bit of an extreme for many people, the ten commandments are a very good set of guidelines/rules for us to follow. If everyone did follow as I said earlier much of the evil and disaster in our world would be eliminated.”
"some wear their cords around their waist to separate their higher and lover parts."
“These biblical characterisations illustrate the domesticity of the female race, and at the same time gives Christian males a reason to hold them down.”
“Rosemary Radford Reuther’s catch phrase ‘If God is a man then man is God’ is a little extreme. It explores the possibility that half the population of the world is divine. This has some logic behind it, but unlikely to be true. Her logic is interpreted as follows. If God created man is own image, he created female from that of man, so is therefore a slightly modified version.”
“The books of the Old and New Testament tell of the travels of Jesus and his dealings with men and women in society.”
“So you are probably wondering how women came to be the so called “second-class citizens” of the Christian Church and men the embodiment of Christ. Well, due to a distortion of facts, Christianity, as the religion that we know of today, came to interpret women as evil and sinful which in turn became reflected in Biblical writings and emphasised in Church sermons.”
Unlike New Zealand Islam is not new to China.
“To most Jewish women religion makes all the difference because religion is something they believe in, all by themselves.”
There are even very rare cases in which a wife, who is not considered a widow until the ceremony is finished, will leap upon her husband’s funeral pyre (suttee). This is a true case of inequality where both parties, if such an event were to happen, are not allowed to continue in the same way, leaving a widow with little ways to ‘free herself of the sin of not predeceasing her husband.
Death is seen as the total non-functioning of the human body, usually because it is either worn out or too badly damaged to keep going.
In Christianity there is one main God with a few religious icons compared to the Hindu religion anyway. The definition of transcendent in the religious sense is wether the god’s are untouchable they exist not as a physical essence but as a spirit – an entity. The definition of immanent in the religious sense is that a god or a spiritual being walks among the normal people/followers.
Vishnu is blue skinned and often shaded by a serpent or resting on its coils and often seen afloat on an ocean. He is usually seen alongside his ˝ eagle vehicle Garuda.
Hindu gods and goddesses are viewed as transcendental from views of those outside Hinduism. They believe that science answers all. Immanent views from those that follow Hinduism.
So in conclusion it is only feasible to state that Hindu Gods and Goddesses are both transcendental and immanent – they exist in both spiritual form and essence and at the same time exist in other people through faith to idols such as the cow.
Unlike western history where the new has replaced the old, Christianity replaced belief in pagan gods, as new ideas and religions came to China, instead of replacing what was already there they were adopted into it. Although this is not completely true of religion at a priestly level, it holds up fine when one discusses the beliefs and ways of the common majority.
Because the folk religion is not formalised, there are many local variations from village to village; some of these variations will be discussed later. For the comparison between folk religion and Buddhism they are considered small differences and will be overlooked somewhat.
It is important to remember that China is a big place with many people.
They believe that a pilgrimage and the rituals on they way and at the destination, such as sacrifice, will appease the gods who are more likely to be favourable.
In 1986, 92,064,760 Japanese classified themselves as being Buddhist, although a lot of this would be due to circumstance, such as birth.
The combination of the religions, does offer a coherent, as coherent as foreign religions such as the Japanese ones can get, overview of basic Japanese philosophy.
"Because of the mysteriousness of their postmodern condition, the deceased ancestors were conceived to possess even more spiritual power than they had possessed in life."
“As the graffiti in the Easterfield Ladies Toilets says, "Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."”
"...since modernity took hold we have developed such things as acid rain, nuclear weapons and Jenny Shipley, so perhaps we were better off before.”
“Obviously one must point out the difference of commemorating the death of Christ and getting Christmas presents. As most people do the latter without necessarily giving a second thought to what is being celebrated.”
"In todays society many people claim they are what they claim as a Christian even though many people oppose what they interpret as Christian and the way in which they worship many of who are Christians themselves."
"The church is a place to met people and study their Christian faith."
"Today the Church is referred to as being a building with crosses and stained glass windows."
"To replace these [Church buildings] in an effort to reduce costs could lose the importance placed on these buildings. They are often thought of as the Body of Christ which encompasses the beliefs of God inside it. A different type of building could lose the awe and inspiration appropriate to spiritual worship."
I was unable to find any relevant books, due to leaving this essay to the last minute. Therefore all information I have stated in this essay is from my own knowledge.
"The story of Jesus feeding thousands is a prime example of how actions speak louder than words. Jesus and the disciples came upon a crowd of thousands gathered to hear Him speak. The congregation was hungry but the only food available was one loaf of bread and one fish from a small boy. Paul asked Jesus, "how are we going to feed all these people with only one loaf of bread and one fish?" Jesus replied, "The kingdom of Heaven fulfills the souls of those who believe in the Father." He then broke the bread into
pieces and placed them in baskets. He did the same with the fish. He then told the disciples to go into the crowd and feed them. With doubt on their mind they did so, but everyone ate and all were full (3). This miraculous happening was more influencial to Paul than words. Had Jesus responded, "Paul, I am going to break the bread and the tiny bit each person recieves (sic) is going to fill their stomachs just as if they had eaten an entire pig," Paul would probably still be laughing hysterically.”
(3) Reference to stories in the Bible are soley from memory of teachings
and readings done in "The Bible of International Youth".
"I will explain modernity a bit more in depth so it is understood more, it is basically the rise of technology and science throughout the twentieth century, this quote from a source best explains what has happened because of these industrial advances, "what was due to become a social and physical universe subject to increasingly certain knowledge and control, instead creates a system in which areas of relative security interlace with radical doubt."
"Capitalism was also part of the revolutions offspring, with many people being inspired to progress beyond standards, this has led to an unending technological advancement, that sees our society way beyond many lay peoples imaginations, and needs."
"In effect what Creationists and Evolutionists believe is basically the same, except for divine intervention."
"There are Gay ministers and women who want to be them also."
"The Democratic Revolution saw the rejection of traditional hierarchies promoting freedom and equality."
“The Pope, a huge religious head, is male.”
Traditional religion providing the us with the archetypical example of a beneficial hierachy. God existing at the top of which.
"The post-modern world thus can in many ways be seen as not soley challenging the place of traditional religious worship and belief but allowing people to choose between it and other beliefs. Proof of which can
be seen in the fact that people are free to pick and choose they're beliefs. Therefor we are no longer expected to be born into a faith and expect to remain in that same faith."
"It would be silly to discuss the Bible as a "guide for life" without discussing its primary use, and that is that of God, an afterlife and as the cornerstone of the Christian religion."
"Is the bible outdated? I would have to say it is still relevant today if you view it with a metaphorical eye."
"As for the future of the Bible, it is clear that it will not go under any changes soon for many reasons, blasphemy and losing the 'picture' are probably two major reasons."
"The appeal to women's experience as normative is mad in a variety of ways."
"A lot has changed since the days when the parson was paid a guinea per
funeral, when the hearse was black and so where the cars carrying relatives
traveling immediately behind; when people stopped in the streets and men
took their hats off. Nowadays the top hat and trails are out."
"The funeral industry today has become part of the hard commercial stream of
the global economy - now the hearse emerges from a funeral and disappears
into heavy economic travel"
Some ten years ago three men in Christchurch decided they spotted a gap in
the funeral industry....Death was not easy to get into in this town, but
Academy Funerals were out to crack it."
Reflecting economic realities funeral directors say that they are facing
more bad debts than in the past; but as one put it, a threat to sue
generally does the trick."
New Zealanders are developing a healthier attitude towards death. While some
may quail at tangibly recognising their own mortality, others are keen to
organise their final exist.
Some examples of Bardenese:
"This is in support with information taken from corresponding information
from the corners report, the statement of the certifying doctor, post mortem
reports and cancer case registrations forms, hospital notes and the corner
reports of ministries involved, is the ministry of transport or the police.
New Zealand seems to have its favourite types of death....
Now to look at how the females, prefer to kill themselves. The winner was
cancer again, but the over all cancer winner differs from males.
Epilepsy does still seem not to have a grasp on its illness, although it has
been harassing society for decades. In general conditions of the brain
seems to claim both female and male generally, without gender bias.
And what about good old heart disease? It is still quite modern and killing
144 males and 290 females.
"In the loin classification area; males win in letting their genitals rule
them, till their end...." ((Apparently 15 males died of diseases of this
regiaon compared to only 2 women....!!!!!!))
Choking has maintained popularity, with 26 victims.
"Foreign body accidentally entering other orifice is a concerning category.
It should not receive comical highlighting as one could only imagine the
pain, and rest happily in the thought that it was accidental and a
deliberate quest."
The expectations of capitalism seemed to have been reached. Even in 1994 we
had to die of something, and this has remained and become further entrenched
up to 1999.
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