Our DaMn Friends
Come and meet some of the most wonderful people on Earth...
I joined the Degenerative Myelopathy list a some years ago now and I was overwhelmed by the support and genuine caring shown by this group. Sadly the group has grown since then. I say sadly, not because the growth has detracted from the love that the group shares, but because it means there are more pups suffering with this DaMed disease.
I wish I could name every person and every pup I have met through this list, but instead I'll direct you to the Roster Site and share with you a few photos that I think are very special.
Please click on the arrows beneath this photo to see more of my DaMn friends.
You can meet these people and many more, along with their wonderful furkids at the Degenerative Myelopathy Homepage. You are also welcome to join in on our international Candle Ceremony at 9pm local time on the last Monday of every month when we light candles for all the pups who are suffering, and all those who have lit up our lives.
Click on the cart to return to the Muddepaws Homepage.
Or click here to read Shannon's Eulogy - a tribute to my DaMn boy.
This will get you to Selected Writings
And this will take you to meet some other Special People