
I have so many people to thank, I don't even know where to start! So here goes...
Jude Law
Thanks first to Jude Law, because without Jude, this site wouldn't exist. He is a wonderful actor who has had an incredible career that will hopefully continue to flourish. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Alyse at Brilliance
Thanks to Alyse for letting me use so many of her original scans! Without Brilliance, so many Jude fansites would be lost.
Sarah at London Blue
Thanks to Sarah for providing such a fun Jude resource, and for allowing me ot use her scans from GQ magazine.
Jen at The League of Obscure British Actors
Thanks to Jen for letting me use her images - so many of the scans in the Jude gallery are from her brilliant site. Hopefully, when I acquire more original Jude scans, I'll be able to return the favor.
If I'm using pictures of yours and I'm not giving you proper credit, PLEASE let me know so I can fix it straight away. :)
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