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                         Recommended Products 


Hamster Ball- Hamsters love to run around and explore and excercise.


Ceramic Food Dish- Very good to use for you hamsters food. It is heavy enough so that your hamster can't tip it over.. and he can't chew on it!


Chinchilla Sand- Perfect for a litter box. Hamsters love the sand. They have a blast rolling and digging in it.. and you can have them litter trained.

Made by SuperPet


Litter Box- Perfect for litter box training. Its very helpful at keeping your hamsters cage a little cleaner.

Made by SuperPet 


T.V.- This cute little T.V. is a cute toy to add to your hammies home. It makes a good hiding area or a place to just sit back.

Made by SuperPet


Comfort Wheel- This is a great wheel. It comes in different sizes and colors to fit your hamster! It is solid, and your hamster can't get hurt.

Made by SuperPet


Hamsters A to Z- This is a GREAT book written by the same person who runs all the great hamster info at the Pet Website.. Lorraine Hill!. This book is full of great info. This book was published in 2001.



