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Lovebirds are from Africa, and they are fiesty, dominant, and demanding. At 5 to 6 inches in length, they are ideal for apartments and are loving and loyal. And just for the record, they don’t have to be kept in pairs to be happy!

For one or two lovebirds, a cage that is 18 to 24 inches square would be perfect. Don’t choose a round cage, since most birds feel like they have no where to hide if scared. In a rectangular cage, birds choose a corner to retreat to if they need to. Also, lovebirds fly back and forth rather than up and down. Bar spacing is also important when choosing a lovebirds cage. As you can see, they have small heads and two large of a space between the bars can result in the head getting stuck. This has happened to my cockatiel, and can be deadly if they break their neck trying to pull it out.

Lovebirds are big-time chewers and do best with a pelleted diet as their base. They need fruits and vegetables as well as lots of toys to destroy, such as cotton rope, paper towel rolls, and pet-store toys. If you don’t provide the proper materials to keep their beaks down, they will grow and cause the bird pain and discomfort. Just one more thing, never trim the birds beak on your own. This is definately a job for the veteranarian.

The most common type of lovebirds are the peach face, fisher’s, and masked. They are beautiful to look at and live for up to 20 years or so. They need proper interaction to avoid chronic screaming problems and hard bites to the owner caused by unfamiliarity. Nonetheless, lovebirds make great pets for teens or adults, and they are just so cute!


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