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quickie bio

ill just do the same thing that*s in my livejournal. for my convinience, which is all i care about. <3


i*m sara. Most people call me pixi. A lot of people started saying i look like a pixie or a fairy and it kind of stuck. I*m 17, i live in Orlando florida, and i love it. I*m qettinq my q.e.d. I wanna be a deejay. A resident Deejay at the Ampitheatre in Ybor City, to be exact.
Sometimes i feel like i want to be a rockstar like tairrie B. or otep or something. I*ll probably end up doinq a little bit of both. Whatever my mood is at the time.
I Love Fashion and Music. My life revolves around the two. I like to rave, go to concerts, and party hard. I love life.
I have a boyfriend named PauL<3. He likes to be called 'boz'. He*s awesome. We get along really well. We*ve been seeing each othersince 12-10-03.
I*m vain, i*m bitchy, i*m annoying, i*m stuck-up, i think i*m better than you, and i*m not sXe.

quick enough for you? ;)