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i like many things.

but i*m also very picky.


wait..that doesn*t even fucking make sense!


bracelets, boys, punk girlies, skaters, unique people, shopping, thrift stores, coffee shops, sappy poetry, drummers, happycore, html,
livejournal, friends, the internet, food, baking, raves, road trips, metal shows, punk rock concerts, small venues, bartending, blacklite,
getting high, peircings, lips, collarbones, photography, gothic erotica, fetish, shoes, boots, stompy platform shoes, cybergoth, kandykids,
dune, european music, clubs, ibiza, tropical atmospheres, florida, anything south of florida (jamacia), rotterdam, travelling, toys, ebay,
sewing, altering clothes, safetypins, subculture, interesting people, alternative lifestyles, suspension, bme, fashion, and beads.

i*ll spare you the rest.