Dear Parents,
We are truly excited to be embarking on a learning adventure with your child. Elementary school will be a fleeting moment of your child's life journey. We hope to make this year a precious one that will make a contribution that will last a lifetime.
As parents, you are your child's first teacher. We look forward to being partners with you in your child's education. Working together will help us create a comfortable and successful learning environment to meet your child's unique and developing abilities.
Our school offers a rich setting for the development of academic and critical thinking skills. We emphasize mastery of the basics at the instructional level best suited to the individual student, while concurrently proving enrichment experiences and fostering the development of acceptable social behavior.
We urge all parents to take an active interest in school activities and your child's progress in school. Our partnership must call from both of us the best that we have to give. We encourage parents to visit the school and to communicate with us often.
There will be many volunteer opportunities for you, your family and friends. The kinds of things you can be thinking about are: assisting the teacher with reading instruction, making books, preparing materials at home, holiday fun, book orders, sewing, classroom helper, multicultural activities, sharing personal expertise, involvement in PTA...the list goes on!
This handbook is prepared so that we may bring about a better understanding between the staff, parents and students. Please take time to read this handbook thoroughly.
Jim Bell
As important as attendance is to the continuity of learning and development, how your child feels can greatly affect his/her comfort and performance during the school day.
If your child is not feeling well and showing symptoms of illness such as a fever, diarrhea, persistent cough, or an upset stomach, please keep him/her at home to rest and restore good health. If your child is sent to school, his/her resistance to disease is greatly lowered and he/she risks beginning symptoms becoming more serious and prolonged. In addition, others are placed at risk of illness.
If a child is ill or becomes injured during the school day, parents and/or guardians are notified. If they cannot be located, then your emergency contact is notified. It is very important to keep the school office up to date on current contact names, telephone numbers, addresses and places of work.
Each child has a permanent health record on file on which pertinent health information is recorded. All information is held confidential. Current immunizations and evidence of a physical examination are required for entry into kindergarten. Please keep the school notified of any health problems, including the reason for any extensive illnesses.
Procedures for Medication at School
Medication may be administered at school if the following procedures have been followed:
1. The nurse and/or principal have determined that the medication is necessary for the child to remain in school and the medication can be reasonably managed by the school staff.
2. Only physician prescribed medication may be administered (this excludes over-the-counter items unless prescribed by the physician).
3. Forms have been completed by parent and nurse for short-term medication (2 weeks or less).
4. Forms have been completed by physician, parent, and nurse for medication to be given for more than 2 weeks.
5. Medication must be in the original container issued by the pharmacy.
Remember to send your child dressed appropriately for the weather at all times. If a child comes to school, he/she is expected to participate in the day’s activities, which includes outdoor recess. The nurturing care of your child, as well as preventive health screening, is an ongoing role of our school nurse.
OFFICE SECRETARYOur secretary, Mrs. Patricia Yelder welcomes your interest and involvement in your child’s school. She is here to provide administrative and clerical support, but even more importantly, Mrs. Yelder is a link between the teachers, staff, students, parents and community members. Please don’t hesitate to call upon her for direction or assistance. You are important to our school! |
BUILDING PLANT OPERATORMrs. Pat Wheeler is the Building Plant Operator (BPO) for Mt. Spurr School. She makes sure our building is safe and provides clerical support, but even more importantly, keeps our building clean and comfortable. She is a problem solver for students and staff. When we need maintenance help, she knows how to get it done. |
LUNCH PROGRAMHot lunch is available each day at school. If you prefer you may send a lunch and students may purchase milk. Please be sure to clearly identify your child’s lunch box or sack. Parents are welcome to join children for lunch at school. If you wish to purchase hot lunch, please let the school office know early in the day so that you can be included in the lunch count. |
LUNCH TICKET INFORMATIONStudent Lunch w/Milk1 DAY $ 2.20 5 DAYS $11.00 20 DAYS $44.00
Milk Only1 DAY $ .40 5 DAYS $2.00 20 DAYS $8.00 |
Parents may apply for free or reduced price meals and milk any time during the school year by completing an application available in the school office. If you were previously approved for free or reduced meals, you need to reapply in the fall of each year. All applications are evaluated by the School District Nutrition Department. Information is confidential. |
LOST OR FORGOTTEN LUNCH MONEYIn case of an emergency, students will be able to receive overnight lunch charges. Since our funds are very limited, we must have permission to make loans to children. The lunch program is federally funded and a convenience for parents and students. The choice of eating a school hot lunch or bringing a sack lunch from home is a parental decision. Lunch menus are sent home on a monthly basis. Please note that all choices are not always available as listed. We experience a great deal of waste when the child has a strong dislike for a menu item. Please discuss the lunch menu with your child and provide a sack lunch when you know he/she will not eat the hot lunch selection on a particular day. Parents may provide written permission for their child(ren) to walk home for lunch. Please be sure the classroom teacher, as well as the office, is informed. Students must sign out in the office. |
NOON DUTY ATTENDANTS – Mt. Spurr is fortunate to be able to hire noon duty attendants who monitor the cafeteria and playground. Periodically, we need to hire for these positions. We are constantly in need of substitutes. If you are interested in making extra money and enjoy being with children, please contact the office regarding these positions. MONEY – If it is necessary for your child to bring money to school, please send it in a sealed envelope with the following information on the outside: child’s name, teacher’s name, amount of money, reason for sending money. |
*Do not enter the street from between parked cars or from behind bushes or shrubs. (The majority of fatal childhood traffic injuries result from darting into the street between designated intersections.) *Look out for cars backing out of driveways and parking lot spaces. *Be extra alert in bad weather. Visibility may be poor and motorists may not be able to stop quickly. *Wear reflective clothing so you can be seen. *Walk with others, using the “buddy system.” Have a set group of children to walk with everyday. NEVER WALK ALONE. (Do not walk four or five abreast on the side streets so that cars cannot get by.) Parents, you may want to exchange telephone numbers with families of children your child walks to school with. You can also alert each other about moose, dogs or other dangers in the area. *Know that municipal vehicles marked Safety Bear Buddy are there to help in case of a problem or an emergency. Be sure that your child has “street smarts” by teaching him/her to be a safe pedestrian. It will surely come in handy whether your child is walking to school, a friend’s house, or is taking an invigorating walk with the dog around the neighborhood. CROSSING STREETS Stop at the curb or edge of the road. Look for traffic to the left, right and left again before attempting to cross. Wait until traffic clears, then cross. Keep looking both ways. |
STARTING YOUR DAY AT MT. SPURR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2002-2003 SCHOOL SCHEDULE 8:45 a.m. Playground Supervision 8:50 a.m. First Bell: Students Line Up To Enter Building 9:00 a.m. Tardy Bell - Classes Begin 9:05 a.m. Announcements LUNCH SCHEDULE 11:15-12:10 Kindergarten Lunch/Recess 11:25-12:10 1st Lunch/Recess 12:00-12:45 2nd Lunch/Recess 12:30-1:15 3rd Lunch/Recess 3:30 p.m. Dismissal 3:45 p.m. End of Playground Supervision *If children have not been picked up by the time the playground supervisor returns to the building, they need to come to the office for assistance. Your child’s day begins at 9:00 a.m. Students will line up at the playground door designated for their classroom. At the first bell (8:50 a.m.) teachers will lead the children into their classrooms. Students do not enter the building prior to 8:50 a.m. and only then when they are dismissed by the playground supervisor or accompanied by their teacher. TARDY - Students arriving in the building after 9:00 a.m. are late. If students arrive after the 9:00 a.m. bell, they will be marked tardy by their teacher. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION - Staff supervision on the playground is only 15 minutes prior to school and 15 minutes after school dismissal. Please help assure your child’s safety by timely arrival and prompt pick up after school. |
Outdoor and P.E. Activities - Children must be dressed appropriately for the weather! Until the chill factor or actual temperature reaches –10 degrees F, children will go outside for 20 minutes at lunch time. All students participate in outdoor and P.E. activities. If you send a child to school who is not feeling up to par, that student is expected to participate in all school activities planned for the day. Your child can be excused only by a doctor’s written statement excusing them because of illness or injury. GYM SHOES - Each student is required to have one pair of tennis shoes (with non-marking soles) at school for physical education. These shoes may also serve as “indoor shoes” as required of each student. PARENT AND EMERGENCY CON-TACT PHONE NUMBERS - At times it becomes necessary to contact parents during the school day. It is essential that we have a current home and work phone number for parents. Accurate phone numbers aid in contacting you in case of emergency. It is not always possible to get in touch with parents and we must have an emergency contact person and their phone numbers on file in the office. LOST AND FOUND - Items of clothing, lunch boxes, and backpacks are placed in a large bin in the main entrance. Small personal items or money turned into the office are placed in a special “Lost and Found” box in the office until claimed. |
RELEASING STUDENTS FROM SCHOOL - For the protection of students, and to prevent unauthorized and unwanted persons from taking children from school prior to dismissal or at the close of school, these steps will be followed: · No child will be permitted to leave with anyone other than listed parent or guardian unless permission of parent or guardian has been secured. · Persons picking up children are to report to the office and be prepared to identify themselves and sign out on the checklist. DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO CLASSROOMS TO PICK UP CHILDREN. Teachers have been instructed not to release children without authorization. · When using the telephone to request early dismissal, please be prepared to establish your identity, or to expect a call back so that we can verify you as a caller. · During winter months travel incidents can occur which prevent timely arrivals. Rather than have students standing in the cold and waiting, students will wait at the main office until they are picked up. SCHOOL CLOSINGS - School closures or beginning time delays will be announced on major radio stations. In the event that school is dismissed early because of an emergency or inclement weather, children should know where to go. It is very important to keep the school office informed of current phone numbers and emergency contact names and numbers. |
SCHOOL TELEPHONE - The school telephone number is 753-9225 or 753-3536. Students are allowed to use the phone for emergency or school business purposes only. They must have a phone pass from their teacher before using the phone. Calling to see if one can go home with a friend is not considered business or an emergency, and permission to use the phone will not be granted. Urgent messages can be delivered by intercom to the classroom, but please allow time for delivery. Remember that each call to the classroom takes instruction time from the students. COMMUNICATIONS - Notes sent home may include classroom newsletters, school newsletters or PTA newsletters. Please check with your child on a regular basis to be sure you are receiving all school communications. Backpacks can often remain full unless the student is reminded by the parent to share school information.
LOST OR DAMAGED SCHOOL PROPERTY - Students and their parents are reminded that textbooks and library books are expensive and students who lose, deface, or otherwise damage school equipment will be responsible for the cost of its replacement. Your care of school materials and your cooperation in the prevention of vandalism of school property is appreciated. |
SCHOOL PARTIES - Classrooms may have parties during the school year and they are generally limited to three. These are normally held immediately prior to the Winter Vacation (December), on Valentine’s Day and at the end of the school year. Individual classrooms may decide on other options. INVITATION DISTRIBUTION - We all know that most of our children’s friends are made in the school setting. This occasionally leads to the temptation to distribute party invitations at school during the academic day. When this occurs, some children develop hurt feelings at being left out or ignored. Please help us by having your child mail invitations or distribute them away from the school grounds. FIELD TRIPS -From time to time class groups will be taking educational trips to various parts of the community. In order for a student to participate in a trip it is mandatory that a permission form be on file in the office. If for some reason a child fails to return the signed document by the announced deadline the student will remain at school during the period the remainder of the class is involved in the activity. Students are responsible for providing fees and lunches for trips requiring admission charges and/or that span the lunch period. If financial hardships exist and a parent is unable to pay an admission fee, arrangements will be made through the school. Under certain conditions, parents may be asked to drive students on various field trips, etc. Parents who wish to volunteer for these trips should check to make sure they have appropriate insurance coverage. The coverage required is liability insurance in the minimum amount of $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury and property damage insurance in the amount of $10,000. Parent drivers must also have a current driver’s license and fill out the necessary forms in the school office before the scheduled trip. WITHDRAWALS AND TRANSFERS - Should it become necessary to withdraw your child during the school year, please notify the school office several days in advance. We need time to prepare and process the records. Be sure to stop by the office for copies of any necessary records for enrollment at another school. |
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMThe Mt. Spurr staff recognizes that children are unique and learn in diverse ways. Our focus is to provide varied and challenging learning experiences that will enable children to reach their full potential. We assist them in subjects, higher level thinking skills, problem solving, wellness, and developing responsible behavior. In addition to providing a strong educational curriculum in each classroom, many specialized programs are available to students. SPEECH - A speech therapist is assigned to Mt. Spurr School who helps identify speech, language and hearing disorders. GIFTED (IGNITE) - Students participating in the gifted program have been nominated by the parent or teacher and then tested before qualifying. These children remain a part of their regular classroom. However, they receive separate instruction under the direction of a gifted program teacher three hours each week. SPECIAL EDUCATION (RESOURCE) - All children meeting identifiable learning needs will be served by a resource teacher in addition to their regular classroom teacher. The most common areas in which students receive academic support in this program are reading, written expression, and mathematics. Parents are actively involved in all components of their child’s program. SLINGERLAND - This multi-sensory teaching approach is available for students in grades one and two at Mt. Spurr School. Students are screened in kindergarten, or other grades as needed, and are offered placement opportunities based on need. |
BILINGUAL EDUCATION - The Anchorage School District’s Bilingual/ Multicultural Education Programs teach English As A Second Language (ESL) and other academic needs to students who come from homes in which a language other than English is spoken. MID-QUARTER STATUS REPORTS – Mid-quarter status reports are given to advise parents of achievements or concerns about students. Always be sure to contact your child’s teacher if you have questions about academic expectations set by your child’s teacher. REPORT CARDS - Report cards are issued four times during the year. These cards are one method of reporting pupil progress. Parent/teacher (and sometimes student) conferences are scheduled for the first and third quarters and at any other time deemed necessary by the school and/or parent. After studying your child’s report card, please sign it and return it to the school promptly. Report cards may be held until all books (library and text) are returned and/or fines paid. ACHIEVEMENT - Grades are based upon the child’s mastery of materials within the level assigned. This may be above, on or below grade level. GRADES 1-3 S - Satisfactory N - Not Satisfactory EFFORT GRADES are based upon the relationship between the performance and the ability to achieve. (O-S-N) |
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES When parents and teachers work together, they make an unbeatable team. Parent conferences can help build the teamwork that helps kids learn better. Some planning by parents can help make conferences a success. 1. Think about what you want to learn in the conference. · How is my child doing in class? · Does my child use time well? · Does he have good work habits? · Does my child usually turn in homework? · Has he/she missed assignments? · Does my child have friends? · What can I do at home to support the teacher and school? 2. Talk with your child. · Ask what he/she thinks the teacher will say. · Ask if he/she has any concerns. · Talk about likes, dislikes, problems, and successes. 3. Ask the teacher to explain anything you don’t understand. 4. Be prepared to talk and listen. · Tell the teacher what you see at home. · Talk about your child’s interests. · Tactfully talk about any concerns. · Be sure to let the teacher know about anything that might affect your child’s learning. 5. Follow up. · Stay in touch with the teacher. · If you think of a question you didn’t ask, write a note. |
YOUR CHILD’S ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTSEach classroom and each teacher’s style will differ, but the underlying emphasis is on reaching out to each student and helping each child be successful. Classroom activities are planned and implemented by the teacher. Within each classroom, your child’s teacher is in control and has the authority to uphold that responsibility. The Mt. Spurr staff is outstanding in its teaching excellence, its caring, and its receptivity to parent concerns and assuring that each student’s needs are met. During the year many situations arise which may be handled most efficiently in a conference with your child’s teacher. You may have questions about your child’s progress; about his/her adjustment in school; you may need more information about school practices or school policies; or you may have information which you feel will help the teacher as he/she works with your child. Your child’s teacher will be glad to discuss such matters with you at a scheduled conference. Parents are encouraged to call or write to schedule conferences when they feel a need exists. Naturally, teachers cannot discuss your child or answer questions during class time. Also, they have numerous duties and school activities which keep them busy after your child leaves for home. Therefore, in order to avoid disappointment at not being able to see the teacher, please send a note or call early enough so that a definite date and time may be arranged for the conference. Teachers will schedule parent/teacher conference appointments for all students following the first and third quarters of the school year to discuss student progress. |
We do not encourage homework every night, but from time to time, there will be homework at various grade levels. The main value of homework is that it gives the children the experience of working on their own to reinforce skills. A positive attitude toward the school and the teacher will influence a child’s attitude toward homework. Our goal is to convey to the students that they are individuals who are responsible for their successes and failures. Should you be asked to sign your child’s papers, please do so. This is our way of keeping you informed of his or her work.
· Have a regular place for your child to do homework. Use a desk or table in a quiet room. Be sure there’s plenty of light.
· Find a regular time for homework. You may want to make a rule, “No television until homework is finished.”
· During homework time, turn off the TV and radio.
· Before your child begins, talk with him/her about his/her assignments. Help him/her plan how they’ll use their time.
· Set a good example. While your child is doing homework, spend some time reading or working yourself. Then when homework is done, you can talk about how much you’ve accomplished.
A recent survey of more than 10,000 principals confirms that parents have a key role in helping kids learn. Principals said parents can make a dramatic difference in how well students achieve. They can:
· REINFORCE SELF-ESTEEM. Principals say this is the most important thing parents can do. Kids need self-confidence to raise their hands in class, ask a question, or say they don’t understand. Parents can help by listening to children and praising them often.
· DEVELOP GOOD WORK HABITS. Parents need to help kids develop a willingness to work hard. They do that by praising effort as well as results. And they do it by expecting children to take on some responsibility at home.
· SUPPORT LEARNING AT HOME. Let your children know how important education is. Ask about their assignments. Set up a regular time and place for homework.
· PARTICIPATE IN LEARNING ACTIVITIES. Play board games with your children. Go for walks and talk about what you see. Read to your children regularly. All these develop a love for learning.
· EMPHASIZE LANGUAGE. Talk with your children as you go about your daily chores. Have books and magazines available for your children to read. Let your children read to you. If you see a word you don’t know, look it up together.
· SET HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Tell your children you know they can do well in school. Review their homework. Attend school activities. And again, praise children.
The primary objective of the school is to create a safe learning environment where children can attain academic and social success, develop positive attitudes about themselves and those around them, and practice responsible self-discipline. The rights of individual students shall be protected and each student shall be expected to respect the person and rights of all other students and school personnel. In order to ensure a safe and pleasant educational environment, the following rules are to be observed:
1. Be respectful. Be kind. Be courteous. Be thoughtful.
2. Follow all classroom rules and Mt. Spurr School expectations.
3. Follow all Anchorage School District policies.
4. Use polite language at all times.
5. Do not throw inappropriate objects.
6. Hats may be worn to school, but are not to be worn in school.
7. Gum is not allowed at school.
Disciplinary action will be respectful, relevant and related. Action taken for inappropriate behavior will be tailored to individual students and may include time out, work details, detention, in house suspension or suspension from school.
STEP 1: Verbal warning.
STEP 2: Second card pulled.
STEP 3: Third card pulled.
STEP 4: Written referral. Call parent. Detention is assigned.
STEP 5: Send to Principal. Parent contact (conference is necessary).
Parents and teachers agree that discipline is important for learning. When teachers spend time correcting behavior, they have less time to teach. Good behavior begins at home. Here are ten ways you can help improve discipline:
· Know and support the school’s rules.
· Show your child you are interested in what he/she does in school. Ask about their activities.
· Talk to teachers about your child’s behavior in school.
· Stress the importance of good discipline with your children.
· Be a good role model for your children.
· Show your children you respect them. Encourage them to respect others.
· Give your kids a chance to take part in making decisions about things that affect them.
· Be sure your child eats properly. Poor nutrition can cause discipline problems.
· Watch your child’s behavior at home.
· If discipline problems occur, talk with your child.
Any physical contact or violence means an automatic referral to the office and generally results in parent contact and suspension.
Playground Equipment (general)
-Students should play cooperatively, taking turns on equipment.
-Jumping off equipment is not allowed.
-Students will use the equipment as designed. Games of tag, etc. are not allowed.
-Gravel or sand should not be picked up or thrown.
-Notify a duty if equipment goes over a fence for the duty to retrieve.
-Students will swing one child at a time, sitting down, swinging forward and backward only.
-Students may not twist or jump out of swings.
-Students shall play games cooperatively in designated areas.
-Rough play (tackling, etc.) is not allowed.
-Games shall be played in respect to game rules and an open play policy.
-Students must not leave playground for any reason unless they have permission.
-Students should line up quickly when the bell rings at their designated door.
-Teachers and duties will release the children to go in by class when they are settled.
-Children should normally exit through their assigned door.
-Children being picked up by parents should depart through the playground doors and walk to their car.
-Siblings should meet up on the playground after school, not at classroom doors.
-Throwing snow, ice, icicles, etc., is not allowed.
Thank You For...Leaving dirt, snowballs, rocks on the ground; Listening to each other; Taking turns to talk, playing on the equipment, being first in line; Raising your hand and waiting your turn to share in class; Greeting people with "Good Morning" and a smile; Opening doors for others; Asking visitors if you might help them; Taking care of your school; Talking about pleasant subjects and thinking of others in the cafeteria; Reading and enjoying the student work posted in the hallways; Being in your seat and ready to learn following the Pledge of Allegiance. This will show that you are respecting the rights of fellow students by not interrupting them during opening exercises. |
Welcome to our school from the PTA. We invite all parents to join the Mt. Spurr PTA! The PTA works for your child and all children at our school. We participate in goal setting, provide enrichment activities, organize volunteers, and are active in various endeavors within the school. We organize and encourage parents like yourselves to be active participants in your child’s education. Sometimes this means just having a family fun evening. You are invited to attend all PTA meetings. Look for more information in the PTA newsletters, which come home monthly.
VOLUNTEER - Our sign-in log is located in the main office on the front counter. Please try to remember to sign in, record your general location in the building, and sign out when you leave. We ask that all volunteers try to remember to use the sign-in log. In case of an emergency at our school, the office personnel will know how many and where the extra adults are in the building.
IN THE CLASSROOM - Classroom visitations by preschool children are discouraged. If you have made arrangements to do your volunteer project at home, we hope you will feel free to bring your preschool child with you to pick up your materials. Keep in mind they need to be with you always.
IN THE WORKROOM - If you are involved in a PTA or all school project in the workroom, we ask that you leave your preschooler at home. There are situations in which your child would be near large, sharp paper cutters and other items that may be dangerous to a small child.
AFTER SCHOOL PROJECTS - Please use your own judgment concerning bringing your preschool child with you. Remember you must be responsible for them at all times. The safety of your child is our number one concern.
CUSTODIAN - If you need to get supplies from the custodian’s room, please see our office personnel. They will help you with your request. If you need help moving heavy objects, check in with the office. We will make arrangements to help or have the object moved. We should always try to leave a work area as clean and neat as we found it. Housekeeping will always be a problem because so many people use our building, so we try to help whenever possible.
IF THERE IS A PROBLEM – If you become aware of a problem that needs to be taken care of please notify our office personnel. They can give you direction on how to handle most situations.