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"I spent four years prostrate to the higher mind, got my paper and I was free."

-Indigo Girls

So, here we are on the SALTINE page. A lot of you are probably wondering why I chose saltines. Well, I like them. Also, no matter what the food pyramid says, they are not going to fullfill your grain requirement. But I like them. Ok, on to the real reason for this page...

The rantings of Maltan pasta!

I do not like getting involved in other people's private business. It is not my business and therefore I want to keep out of it!

I don't always need the advice of other people. I think I can sometimes, at least, figure out what is good for me on my own.

To have a intelligent discussion should not require the use of a thesaurus.

When class starts at 3, it starts at 3. Not 3:10 or 3:15. 3

So I don't need your collaboration to get dressed in the morning. If my breasts show, it's because they are bigger than yours and harder to control, not because I'm a slut.

I am not a slut.

Birth control does not make you a slut. It makes you in tune with your menstural cycle.

No, I do not want you to make friends for me!

I like food. I don't care if I'm not emaciated-looking. In Minnesota, we look healthy, not sick. I don't CARE if it's not YOUR idea of attractive. I look in the mirror, and I'm happy. So THERE.

The moon is a planet like earth, only it is even deader.

Click here

How in the HELL am I supposed to visit 25 people in FIVE DAYS? I don't get it, and I'm not going to do it.

Just because I don't have a Louis Vuitton bag does not make me less of a person.

Yes, I DO think it's a bad habit to get into. Spending 50 dollars a day for 3 weeks straight is the best way to turn into a spoiled brat. Especially if it's your parent's money.

It is NOT my fatal flaw if I'm not Jewish. I would like to think it would be something a tidge more significant.

All you can eat doesn't do me too much good if the food tastes like crap.

Well, you could call my cell phone, but I don't get any service. So, you could leave a message...

If I spent 13 dollars on the shit to be shipped here and you shipped it to my home address, then I should get 13 bucks back. I don't CARE if it's not your policy. Does your policy include shipping everything to the wrong place? Didn't think so, so why are we even talking about policy in this situation?

I think I can like whatever song I want. It shouldn't be a MUTUAL decision.

I can spend MY money on whatever I want. YOU didn't give it to me.

For the last time, my favorite color is NOT fuschia.

No, I DON'T use spring water in my tea. And it tastes just fine.

Why does my featherbed keep sliding off my bed?

I like cardigan sweaters because you can button them up, not because you can "show [my] boobs that way."

I want to go HOME, not to Ireland. Jesus, didn't I make that clear?

No, I don't mind taking THREE flights to get from Minneapolis to Boston. It surely makes sense to me!

"Respect" includes refraining from commenting on the size of my breasts. Although I appreciate you telling me just how much you are compelled to think of them when talking to me.

This fact reminds me to make sure that I have a turtleneck on everytime I see you.

You're sexually frustrated? well, thanks for sharing. I'm in a regular brothel over here. Especially considering the fact that BU is 70% female.