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Zerg Units and Upgrades/Abilities

Zergling - The Zergling, like the Marine, is the basis for the Zerg armies. They do a basic 5 damage and are easily
                    the fastest killing machines. Except for its lack of armor, the Zergling deals damage in small amounts
                    at turbo rates with Adrenaline researched.

Hydralisk - The Hydralisk is a missile unit. In a basic rush attack, the Hydralisk provides ground cover and air support
                     at the same time.  The Hydralisk deals 10 damage with a progression of 1 per upgrade.  Overall, this unit
                    the #1 useful unit in the Zerg arsenal.

Broodling - Broodlings are weak units that can only be made by Spawn Broodling (Queen Ability).

Ultralisk -  These are by far the most damaging unit with 400 HP and insane armor. Their upgrades are increased
                   speed, and +2 to armor (Chitinous Plating).

Infested Terran - The Infested Terran is just a kamikaze unit that deals somewhere around 500 damage when
                  when it self-destructs on a building.

Overlord - This unit starts out only as a means of Control. The Overlord upgrades to being a transport and a
                     long-range detector.

Mutalisk - The Mutalisk deals damage firing a Glave Wurm that boomerangs through enemy forces as the 
                   power decreases.

Scourge -   The Scourge unit is air defense only. The Scourge deals 110 damage when it explodes or kamikazes
                   a unit.

Defiler -     The Defiler is similar to the creatures you wouldn't even see in your most horrible nightmares. With the
                   Plague ability, everything fears this unit. The Consume ability makes this unit almost a cheat. The only
                   down side is that the Defiler has no means of protecting itself.

Devourer - The Devourer is a heavily armored, anti-air-air unit that covers the enemy in acid.  They are an aspect
                   of the Mutalisk. 

Guardian - The Guardian is mainly a siege unit even though it does defend greatly against ground units. It can't
                    target air units but it's range extends a little more than a turret, photon cannon, or a spore colony
                    making it really only stoppable by units.