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How would you like to get payed?

You have the opportunity of a lifetime! You are going to work for one month, and one month only! You have a CHOICE on how you would like to get paid. CHOICE #1 You will receive a $1,000,000.00 in cold hard cash at the end of the month. CHOICE #2 You will be payed a penny the first day, 2 cents the second day, 4 cents the third day, 8 cents the fourth day, etc... Each day the amount that you receive will be double the amount that you received the day before. This will continue for 30 days. YOUR JOB IS TO: Find out exactly how much money you will receive each day (Day 1 thru Day 30), and then add it all up to come up with the total amount that you would receive if you were to choose CHOICE #2. Then make an informed mathematical decision on HOW DO YOU WANT TO GET PAYED?

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