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David Larkin

“Paging Dr. Larkin. Paging Dr. David Larkin” Suddenly your ears perk up and you realize that you went to school with a David Larkin and yep, he’s a doctor. Our David Larkin’s personal goal is to “be the best person I can be and [have] a positive lifetime impact on every patient that comes under my care.” No wonder he was named Physician of the Month while working for an HMO and is the recipient of the American Medical Association Recognition Award. He is also a contributing author to a book entitled “A Revolutionary Approach to Prostate Cancer,” and has presented professional papers on Cryoprecipitate Coagulum Pyelolithotomy (say that five times fast) and Radiocontrast-Induced Acute Renal Failure. These were presented at various sections of the American Urological Association symposia.

David and Suzanne, his wife of 27 years live in Los Alamitos, California. Suzanne (who attended Weequahic for 6 months) is a Nurse Practitioner whom David met while practicing at Newark’s Beth Israel Medical Center. Together they have raised five glorious children. Troy (26) recently graduated from Tulane Law School, while Danielle (25) is a Clerk in a hospital X-Ray Department. Brent (22) is a third year student at Cal State, Long Beach, Brandon (20) is in his second year at a junior college and Monique (17) is a high school senior.

“I have given up on rockets,” says David. “They’re too dangerous.” He now occupies his free time collecting “old muscle cars from the sixties.” Dave’s collection includes: 1969 Camaro, 1969 RS Camaro, 1969 Stingray Corvette Coupe and a 1976 Trans Am Limited Edition with a 455 engine.

What’s been Dave’s happiest day? “The happiest day of my life is everyday when I wake up to experience this roller coaster ride we call LIFE.”

Ever the gentle, kind and humble soul that he is, Dave says he’s most proud of Wendy Kaufman Nowak’s “above and beyond effort she has put into locating classmates so that our 40th year reunion is the most memorable reunion ever.” We all join him in that sentiment.

Professionally, Dr. David has been a Staff Physician in Family Practice, Urology, Emergency Medicine, Public Health Clinic Physician and Hypertension Screening Physician. Read below to learn what else he’s been doing.

“My plan was to attend Upsala College after graduating Weequahic. However, at the last minute I changed my mind and opted for Monmouth College instead. Having graduated with a major in biology and a minor in secondary education, I was fortunate enough to land a teaching position in Princeton, New Jersey.

“I had been teaching 8th grade Physical Science for 4 years when I felt a calling to pursue a graduate degree. With great effort and a little bit of luck, I was accepted to the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, not fully realizing what my body and mind would be put through for the next 4 years.

“Much thought was put into deciding what type of medical practice would suit my long-term plans which included marrying, having a large family and having the time to raise, support and guide my children to be the best that they could be. I certainly did not want to be an absentee dad, spending a majority of my time in a hospital.

“My first surgical choice (I'm a hands on person, I. love to cut and sew people) was plastic surgery, but the probability of landing one of the few available residency training programs, was very slim. Instead, I chose Urology, a more realistic approach. No regrets! This decision enabled me to fulfill my long-term plans.

“I transplanted my family to California in 1985 after having spent my entire life in the beautiful Garden State. I plan to retire in the Golden State, and for kicks, drive up and down the coast in a classic automobile.

“After 19 years of practicing Urology, an opportunity presented itself to be trained in micrograft hair transplants. I underwent an intensive training course and have been very active performing this cosmetic procedure, while continuing to practice Urology part time in the areas of Erectile Dysfunction and Pre-mature Ejaculation.” We have no comment.

Dave’s e-mail address is