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Harvey Ritter

If you meet a current Weequahic student or a recent graduate, tell him or her that you’re a personal friend of Harvey Ritter. Then get ready for the flood of accolades and praises. Harvey has been the School Psychologist at Weequahic for the past twenty years. He’swell known and respected throughout the Newark School System for his dedication to the students.

Harvey did not come to Weequahic via the traditional route of Chancellor, Maple, Hawthorne, etc. Harvey, along with Ron Schnack, Barry Levitt, Ben Rybnick, Phyllis Farkas, Phyllis Moskowitz, Nathan Maltz and Cynthia Davidovich received a traditional Jewish education at the Hebrew Academy before entering high school.

After graduating with a BA in Psychology from Seton Hall University, Harvey embarked on a career in education, which began at Peshine Avenue School. He simultaneously continued his own education and earned a Masters degree FDU and School Psychologist Certification back at Seton Hall. He recently completed licensing as a Professional Counselor. The School Psychologist appointment in 1980 took him to several Newark Schools. From 1984 to 1990 he practiced at Central and Weequahic High Schools. In 1990 Weequahic got Harvey all to itself.

“One of the best rewards for someone in my profession is when former students come back and thank you for the impact you had on their lives,” says Harvey. To his credit, he receives many such visits.

A part time real estate agent in Springfield, Harvey has been a Hebrew School teacher and the Educational Director for both the Conservative and Reconstructionist Movements in Florham Park and Montclair. It was in that career that he met Debbie Bloom, whom he subsequently introduced to Peter Hercky, to whom she’s been married for over 20 years. But, that’s a different story.

Harvey is also the managing partner of Ritter Realty Management. The company owns and manages property in Harrison. As a matter of fact, one of RRM’s tenants is a pizzeria that was featured on the Emmy winning show, The Sopranos. Do you remember an episode where the police investigated a pizzeria owner who delivered a designer pizza to AJ? Fame didn’t spoil Harvey at all. He’s still the lovable guy he always was.

Married to the former Sara Grayman, also a Weequahic alum, the couple is enjoying an empty-nest in Springfield. Harvey and Sarah have been married for over 30 years and have raised three fine, upstanding sons, Josh, Scott and Jonathan. Sara is a math teacher in the East Orange elementary school system.

As we go to press, Harvey has been appointed to the position of Supervisor in the Office of Special Education for the Newark Public Schools.

He may always be reached at