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Marilyn Greenfeder Pomerantz

Maple Avenue School
Lived on Scheerer Avenue

Mike and I were married in 1968. Jeff was born in 1970, Karin in 1974. We moved Newton, MA in 1975. I earned my Ed.D.1980 from Rutgers, New Brunswick, while teaching at Lesley College in Cambridge, MA - a tough commute indeed!

In 1990 I started working with Mike at F1RSTMARK, the computer mailing list and database company he started in 1987 in our basement. In 1999 we moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, taking the company with us. Since then, we’ve grown to 7 people. In addition I teach for the University of New Hampshire Special Education Teacher Training Program – so I’ve come full circle.

I sing tenor with a local choral group, quilt with a wonderful group of women, and enjoy introducing people to the beauty of the White Mountains through hiking, x-country skiing and snowshoeing. We’re both Big City Kids (Mike’s a Bronx boy), but this place is home.

Jeff earned his Ph.D. from Syracuse University and is in his 2nd year as Assistant Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at Univ. North Carolina. He and his wife live in Chapel Hill. Since January, Karin has worked as F1RSTMARK’s Director of Business Development. Before that, she spent 5 years as a government contract consultant in Texas and Washington, DC. So one kid is an academic and the other has a head for business.

Our e-mail address is p>