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Neil Salkind

Like many of us, I left Newark to go to college at 17 thinking I had much more common sense and good judgment than I really did. I ended up at the University of Maryland, where I spent more time swimming than studying and fortunately along the way met Leni (once again), who I had known from my summer work in Jersey City since we were both 15. We married 37 years ago this June and it’s not an understatement to say that she has been my saving grace all these years and is a large part of the blessings I have.

Graduate school focusing in developmental psychology led me to a job as an assistant professor at the University of Kansas (imagine a Newark boy in Kansas) in Lawrence, a delightful university town founded by New Englanders 150 years ago. We have lived in two old houses since coming here in the early 70s and find it to be a delightful place to live and raise two wonderful children, Sara and Micah.

Sara, 28, graduated from Smith, is soon to have her doctorate in child development and is considering a post-doctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh. Micah, 20, is a junior at Brown majoring in American Studies. Both have taught me the most important lesson of what’s important in life and I respect and treasure the role they have played in making me a better person. They will both make the world a better place. Pictures available on request.

I just entered a phased retirement program at the University where I’ll be half-time for the next few years and then retire from that position. Along the way, I started both trade and textbook writing which continues to be very successful and about five years ago started working with my agent in his company as an agent which has also worked out very well. I enjoy helping other authors reach their writing goals in the areas of information technology and the social and behavioral sciences, where we specialize. I write a monthly food column for the Kansas City Star, enjoy cooking, reading, collecting old Volvos and of course swimming – only now it’s with Masters groups on a national level.

My years in Newark, and especially the ones in high school, still remain the brightest of times for me. I felt confident, independent and ready to take on the world’s challenges. I read others’ bios and think warmly of how good those friends were, and how good these people are. I’m proud and honored to be part of this group. I can be reached at