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Reunion Reflections

What did you think of the Reunion? Did it meet your expectations? Were you disappointed in any way? Got suggestions for future reunions? Here's what others thought and felt. Send in your reflections. Share them with those who attended as well as those who couldn't be there.

Marty and I had a fabulous time. We couldn't get enough of everyone! The faces, bright smiles, hugs, kisses and heart warming connections. Everyone was so genuinely happy to see one another. I was reveling in the feeling for days and still now I think of it often.

And of course, 10 years is way too long to wait for another reunion. Could almost see this as a yearly event!

Anna Raff Blume

The Reunion was absolutely terrific. It's sad that we have to wait at least five years (maybe ten years) for another one—

Alan Adler

It is amazing how, in one day to evening, one can be transported back in time to 40 years ago as if nothing could possibly have happened in between, years equivalent to a lifetime.

Needless to say, that evening I was blown away with memories (as we all were, I am sure), my mind wandering back in time, staring endlessly from one person to another. I remember all the faces I saw that evening and they will still be suspended in time in my mind probably forever.

Rita (Kirsch) Morris

By Rita Kirsch Morris

What ghostly faces
(except for those tanned)
I saw that night.
However, it was not a fright.
Aged gently we were
As though time stood still.
What a surprise,
What a thrill.
Emotions ran high
As we relived those lost times.
I will remember those faces,
Those ghostly embraces
‘Til the end of my time.

Seeing so many friends from 40 years ago was an overwhelming experience. The reunion was a wonderful opportunity to visit with friends I'd kept and a rare opportunity to talk to those I'd lost. And weren't all those spouses good sports!? The tour of Weequahic was really special for me. I loved seeing the school and talking to the students who took us around. I was inspired by the Principle who seems to be taking all the steps he can to make high school an excellent experience for the community he serves.

Dena Gittleman Greenstein

On the plane ride to California I could not stop thinking about how lucky we all were to have grown up in such a terrific neighborhood, the memories just kept flashing thru my mind

Annette Rosen

The reunion was terrific. It was nice to see so many good people again. Where has all the time gone??

Stay well,

Howard Spatz

I had a terrific time at the reunion.

Joel Moskowitz

Well, here we are back in Jerusalem and very slowly returning to normal since our jet lag was quite strong and both of us went full force back to work.

For me [the Reunion] was incredible to ba back in the States and to re-meet so many old friends. The only really frustrating thing is that I barely had enough time to talk to most people and I guess that I'll just have to write to some of them. However, I'm not the world's greatest correspondent, so I don't know how successful that will be.

I would like to keep in touch and hear how things are going. So, if you write to me, I promise to answer.

Anyway, please keep in touch. Love from Eli.

Love, Toby Clare Sasson

I had a wonderful time at the reunion. I had the opportunity to reconnect with classmates that I haven't seen in 40 years and will hopefully stay in touch with them. This was a very special night.

Harriet Greenberg Ostrow

As Bob Hope used to say, "Thanks for the memories." Working on the reunion committee was a blast. After spending two years working with and reconnecting with a group of people, most whom I had not seen in 40 years, I had a head start on reconnecting with these people and grew quite fond of the group, making some very special friendships along the way that I hope will continue to grow.

Reunion night was wonderful and special....a night I will surely remember. It was great to see so many familiar and not so familiar faces. It brought back a surge of memories that I will never forget. I didn't want the evening to end and am looking forward to our next reunion, hopefully in the next five years. In the interim, I hope to get together with a lot of the people who are out on the west coast in the very near future.

Lorrie Axelrad Cohen

I would like to share with you the wonderful time I had at the Class of June 1964 reunion. Being a member of the Jan./June class of ’63 I felt privileged and honored when I was graciously invited by a member of the June 1964 class, my high school sweetheart, Zaundria Mapson. We never saw or heard from one another for 37 years. We were reunited when we saw each other for the first time at the Weehquahic High School Anniversary celebration in South Orange two years ago. But that’s another wonderful story to follow at another time.

The Class of June 1964 reunion was a wonderful weekend where a good time was had by all. My congratulations to the members of the reunion committee. Everything was so well organized and so, so festive. Having experienced my first class reunion exactly one year earlier and getting to see many, many friends and classmates from that class, I felt very fortunate for a second year in a row to once again be reunited with friends and classmates from the June Class of ’64. To be able to spend time with classmates that I had not had any contact with since I graduated was so exciting and fulfilling.

To see my two football teammates John Scudder who would have us all laughing and cracking up in the locker room and on the field and Mark Goldberg the small halfback with the fast, fast feet and the heart and courage of any big running back , Lucius Williams, Brenda Britten, the Schrob twins, Irwin and David all from the Peshine Ave. School days and oh so many, many others was a thrill and a joy that I will cherish forever.

Thank you one and all for the opportunity to share a wonderful and memorable occasion with you. I hope to see all of you again in four and five years respectively.

Marshall Sampson-Class of Jan.’63

Reflecting on the Reunion, I think about all the new and very special memories. The class reunion rekindled and strengthened bonds of friendship that have been dormant for too many years. In the short span of six hours all the physical, time, and psychological barriers that have kept us apart dissolved in an instant. We were able to affirm that our memories were not faulty - that in fact the Class of ’64 really was a special and rare reservoir of talent, compassion, commitment, fun, and energy. We were reminded of the origins of our “can do” attitude and of our belief that all things were (and still are) possible.

As we resume the routine of our lives, I believe that most if not all of us who attended the reunion will be walking with lighter steps knowing that our lifelong friends are really only a phone call or mouse click away; and that the future is still filled with new, exciting, and endless possibilities.

I look forward to staying in touch and to maintaining our bonds of friendship.

Wayne Chen

I just wanted to say what a wonderful time I had at the event. Also including the morning at the school. It was great seeing old friends and catching up on what's been happening in their lives. Lots of grandparents out there.

I found myself gravitating towards my grammar school classmates. Surprisingly they were more recognizable. I don't know why. Many of my high school classmates knew who I was after all these years. My problem was I didn't recognize a lot of them. At first I was a little embarrassed by that but after a while I didn't care and just had to look at their name tags. Most changed for the better.

I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to more people that night but there were so many to see andt there just wasn't enough time to spend with all of them.

I was one of the winners of the Reunion Refunds. You know, I never win any of those kinds of "raffles". I guess I can't say that anymore.

Howie Horn

Aloha! (shaloha!)

I am so glad that I made the effort to get there! It was a blessing to see and feel all the love and genuine concern we still have for each other!

I will post my bio when I return to Hawaii (after Oct 20) Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing from you guys!

G-d Bless!

Marilyn Klein Anderson

It was an unbelievable experience.

Jeff Menkes

It was wonderful to see classmates that I have not seen in 40 years.

Roselyn Baugh

I had a good time at the Reunion. I had not seen most of those people for 43 years, and I was especially amazed at how Nelson Chester remembered playing with me when we were in 3rd grade, we were neighbors and used to have lots of fun back then.

Patty O’Reily

Saturday was a memorable event for all of us. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and think it went incredibly smoothly. I couldn't get a smile off my face for at least 24 hours....
Jackie Ivers Metzger

The Reunion supplied me with memories to take away and a great resource for reconnecting with friends I left behind. I had the opportunity (as I'm sure many others did as well) to create more wonderful memories about our friends, neighborhoods and schools.

Lynda (Cohen) Sparrow

When I came to Marriott at 6:00, I thought there’d be plenty of time to get set up. The Reunion wasn’t to start for another hour. Carrying my bulky camera equipment and the song sheets, I entered the hotel lobby only to find it filled with classmates who apparently couldn’t wait to get the party going. One after another, I hugged and greeted dozens of friends, as tried not to drop my belongings.

The hallway got more crowded with every moment (we probably broke one or more fire codes). Hugs, kisses, screams of joy everywhere.

Some people were instantly recognizable. Me? Thank goodness for the badges. I thought I might be hurt by constantly having to show my yearbook photo in order to be recognized. However, that feeling quickly dissipated with the heartfelt greeting I’d receive upon that recognition.

The evening went by much too quickly. There must be at least ten people whom I had hoped to see, but somehow, never got the chance. I guess that’s the downside of having a great turnout of 200 people with only five or six hours to see them all. That averages out to less than two minutes each. Hardly enough.

What struck me most was the openness and warmth that filled the evening. I used to say “of the most terrible events in my life I count my mother’s passing as first and the tenth year reunion as second.” G-d, that one was awful for me.

Knowing that I played a small role in bringing these people together was very gratifying. I would, on occasion, find myself in a remote area just looking at what was going on. I wish I could bottle it and keep it fresh.

I never got a chance to finish my speech because I was afraid. You see, when I would rehearse it, I’d get all chocked up at the ending. Well, here I am, getting all chocked up again, finishing the speech “I want to wish you good health, great wealth and even loftier dreams. But most of all, I want to thank you all for being my friends.”

Peter Hercky

It was wonderful. I had a blast. Everything was perfect, but of course the best was seeing all those faces again. Funny how you can re-connect so easily, after all these yearsI'm ready for an other reunion. Let’s start planning 50!

Shelley (aka Rachele) Lowenstein

The experience was simply extraordinary! More than I anticipated -- It was more than fun --- it was profound! I was not prepared for the overall level of warmth and joy that I felt quite strongly all evening --- it was remarkable -- at least from my vantage point ----- so much genuine cheer -- people really sincerely being glad to see one another..

This was sooo special.. At 1:45 am I retired to my room, but was so over stimulated that sleep was impossible!

I thought about my experience for my entire ride back to Boston on Sunday am --- trying to grasp why I was so profoundly moved by the reunion -- I've no great answers ---- but it is a day I'll never forget ----- I wll do my best to remain connected and, surely will attend such future events...

Marc Moss

The re-union was more than a success. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't talk long enough to enough old friends. At least, I think I connected with all the old Chancellor guys and plan to follow up with some e-mails.

This event was definitely a once in a life time opportunity and I am glad I was a part of it. Hope to continue this conversation in the future about other relationships. Contact me by phone, e-mail or as usual, by stopping by at Costco.

Stuart (Stuie?) Nover

The spirit and fellowship never ended- no one wanted to leave.

I feel privileged being part of this very special Weequahic Class of 1964. So much of our success stems from the excellent education and opportunities we were given – and that so many of us may have taken for granted. I heard many people talking about the wonderful (and a few not-so wonderful) teachers who influenced them and were significant in their lives. I think we as a group should give back to the school some appreciation of what it gave us.

I propose setting up a scholarship in the name of the class of 1964, to give current and future students an opportunity to reach their goals. It’s one thing to contribute to the general Alumni fund and have the $ be spent as the Alum Association wishes. It is another to have it be used specifically for scholarships. If we can reach the group again, I know we can raise a significant sum and leave a legacy that we can be proud of.

- Marilyn Greefeder Pomerantz

I have not been a New Jersey resident since shortly after college, so I almost never see or am in touch with anyone from elementary or high school. This was a really exciting time for me. The location was perfect for people flying in and made it convenient to stay till the last moment at the brunch before catching a plane.

Barbara Applebaum Geist

It was a terrific time.

Neil Salkind

It was so great to see so many people there. I really enjoyed the evening and think the time went by so quickly.

Linda Markowitz Belford

What a fantastic time. I am only sorry that, because I was in such a tizzy the entire time (technical term), I just scratched the surface in connecting, if at all, with many classmates. So many faces--so many memories--so little time.
Norma Mark