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Robert Furst

Bob Furst relocated to Ft. Collins, Colorado in 1979 where he established a " Roofing Company with a Conscience". At the time of its sale in 1995, Atlas Roofing had become the largest residential roofing company in Northern Colorado. Having accumulated a comfortable nest egg, Bob is now retired, fat and happy. Bob's nefarious beginnings involved chasing hailstorms in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma establishing a reputation for quality and honesty - these attributes led to "Atlas's" phenomenal success

Bob now owns several rental properties around Colorado State University, catering to students' residential needs. Although currently single, Bob says he's been married 2-½ times to the same woman, Karen. Together, the couple is raising Edward, who Bob claims is " a chip off the old block ".Bob's hobbies are travel (Bob has been to some REALLY interesting places - he at one point was a RESIDENT of Istanbul!), and collecting "things" such as watches, oriental rugs, antiques, jewels etc. His hope for the rest of his life is to "enjoy it!" Should you wish to e-mail him, his address is