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Sam Fischbein

“I was a real smart guy. I knew more than any teachers so I quit school and joined the Navy (1964 – 1967). Boy was I dumb. Thank God I finished school while in the service. After I was discharged a friend asked if I needed a job. He said “Do you Want to be a surveyor”? I said sure, what’s a surveyor. So here I am 37 years later, still surveying away. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife, great kids and grandkids (all 4 of them) and an exciting profession. Looking back I guess I could have done a lot worse.”

Sam and his bride, Janet were married in 1971 at West Hartford,Ct. That must have been an “enchanted evening”, get it? “Sam and Janet evening” that’s one that can’t be passed up. As further evidence to the enchantment of that evening, Sam claims it to be the “happiest day” of his life.

Sam, who grew up on Goodwin Ave., now lives in Miami. He plans to continue working as a surveyor until he gets “old” and then to pursue his hobby of traveling and visiting casinos. Janet has retired from the Miami-Dade County School System.

“My proudest achievement is my children,” gloats Sam. Janet and he have raised two children, John and Donna . John, a decorated Gulf War veteran, has retired from the Air Force and Donna is a court reporter.

Sam can also be proud of having been named Surveyor of the Year in 1992 and for having served as the President of the Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors. His e-mail address is