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Steve Rohde

I’m not in the Yearbook because I didn’t graduate in 1964 but instead took early admission to New Jersey Institute of Technology (then Newark College of Engineering or NCE) in 1963 -- and forgot to get my picture taken! (I was a nerd back then!) I graduated from NCE in 1967 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. As math was still a passion, I then attended Lehigh University and received an M.S. and Ph.D. in mathematics in 1969 and 1970, respectively.

In 1968 the draft laws changed and being a true patriot (which I still am) I joined the Airforce, from which I was honorably discharged the same year. (Long story!) Also in 1968, I married Elaine Silberman (’63), who is the mother of our two children.

After graduating Lehigh we moved to Michigan where I accepted a position at General Motors Research Laboratories. Shortly thereafter our two children were born: Mitchell ( now 32) and Rachel (now 31).

Mitch received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2000 and started an engineering consulting company, Quantum Signal, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I now work for him part time! (This is the “family” version of the old adage: “be good to the people that you work with because you don’t know who will be your boss!”) Rachel received her M.D. from Harvard in 1999 and is completing her residency in orthopedic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh this year. We’re hoping she settles in Michigan so she can treat her parents in their old age!

Cars were and are still a passion of mine and working at GM at the forefront of automotive technology for almost 32 years was great! During that time I worked on and managed activities related to engine design, fuel economy, safety, integrating computers and controls into vehicles, hybrid vehicles, virtual product development, etc.. I also had the opportunity to publish and travel extensively, and received professional recognition. In fact, after retiring from GM as a Technical Director in 2002, I became an American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Distinguished (maybe extinguished?) Lecturer. It truly was a “fun ride” -- no pun intended! (Please see the link below for more detail.) (\&IMAGE.Y=12#rohde)

In 2001 I married Deborah Cherrin who is the Director of Development and Alumni Relations at the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan. Deb and I have much fun together traveling, antiquing, etc. I now also have a stepdaughter, Megan, who is studying law.

Being retired is great! I work part time and teach a bit. I also am involved in restoring antique cars (I now have 8 of them including a 66 GTO that I bought new in November, 1965; a 1926 Model T, and a ‘64 Corvette.) This can be a full time job too! About eight years ago I bought my first camcorder and have been making movies since then! I enjoy video editing (on my PC) and have taken film classes…

Well I guess I’ve said enough! But I always reminisce fondly of my years at Weequahic – it truly was a great place! (