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Sandi Wasserman Enfield

Sandi Wasserman Enfield takes great pride in her two children, Mitch and Jackie. Mitch is a computer engineer, having completed special courses from the Chubb Institute, Essex County College and Bloomfield High School. Jackie, her daughter, is a Montclair State University graduate and is pursuing a show business career. "She's a comedian, actor, singer, dancer, writer and an all around entertainer," says Sandi. "Her goal is to become wealthy and save the earth along with other performers."

You're all invited to visit Jackie's Web site at and track her climb to fame.

Long interested in art and design, Sandi creates beaded jewelry bracelets, ankle bracelets, and necklaces, and sea glass jewelry for sale at craft fairs throughout the state and on consignment in various places. "I'm thinking of establishing a retail presence in nearby Chester and Denville," she adds. "I enjoy meeting different people. I also love working with my hands, making things for people to wear and show off."

Sandi had worked as a bookkeeper at the Daughter's of Israel, in West Orange and has volunteered for many years at Clara Maas Medical Center in Belleville, St. Barnabus in Livingston, as well as at Mountainside Hospital, in Montclair, Glen Ridge.

”I have been seriously ill, after my first child, and have become Hearing Impaired as a result” she says philosophically. “I was fortunate to have good doctors and thankfully lived through this, and I am not complaining.”

"I am a much more compassionate person, and care very much about others now," Sandi notes. She has twice served as a Cub Scout den mother, worked as a class mother in her children's Hebrew School, and grammar school. A member of the township recreation committee, she also serves as a Neighborhood Watch Captain in Mount Arlington where she currently resides.

"I once fought city hall and won," Sandi recalls gleefully. "I was able to get a crossing guard assigned to a busy street so that our children would be able to cross safely." Apparently people had been trying to do that for 20 years and failed. Sandi tried once and succeeded. You go, girl!

She recalls Mr. Tuman, as a "real toughie" and Mr. Dultz as a "softie", and of course Mrs. Hilda Lutzke another favorite. Her favorite subjects were English and Science.

Having grown up in a one family house on Willoughby Street on the corner of Bragaw Avenue, and having attended Bragaw Avenue and Clinton Place, she fondly remembers Lyons Lanes, Valley Fair, and her favorite, Mario's Pizzeria.

She still keeps and treasures pictures from her sweet sixteen party with her many friends. "We used to have a blast. We had our own club, too," Sandi recalls. "Our club was called the Royal Debs. Our colors were Kelly Green and Black. We had some very nice, fun times. Rosemary Palmedesso was also in it, along with Marsha Stolper, Joyce Rothman, Mattie Maietta, Miriam Newinsky, Helen Lippman and Rosemary D'Allessio. At the end of the year we would treat ourselves to dinner with the money we collected at our meetings."

"My late grandmother, (G-d please let her rest), had an oceanfront house on Ocean Avenue between Ocean Park and Park Place in Bradley Beach,"Sandi and her family would spend the entire summer at the shore. "When I was a teen I was allowed to bring another friend from the club with me quite often. Miriam (Newinsky) stayed in another house on Brinley Ave. We all had a blast!"

"If I could, I probably would not change my life in all ways. Just some. It's been tough, but considering the alternative." Sandi can be reached at