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Dirt Bag Baby Donnae

Sunday, 21 March 2004

BLAH! school tomorrow :'( stupid school... why doesnt it burn down...

i had another dream, with aaron in it... but this time.. it was while we were walking :-\...

we were in our buisness class and we both were sorta late for it... we try to open the door... but its locked but we didnt want to go to sweep so we ran in to the hall way and open thte door to sweep and walk throught the sweep class room to get to our buisness class... but we notice no one is in there... so we hurry and run to the libary... but our class isnt in there either... so we turn around to go back to the sweep room, we go through the hall way again... but this time he stops right before we get i open the door, and i was all "we goin in or not? " hes all we will but not yet... so i was uhh ok.. so he grab'd my hand and pulled me toward the wall cause he saw Mr. Hawkins and he sat down. and he kissed my cheek... then i was all "um :-)what was that for" he didnt say any thing"... then MR.HAwkins walked in and said go to his office... aaron was all "what ever..." he grabed my hand and we went to his office and he kissed me on the cheek again... and mr.hawkins walked in and said something.. then i woke up....

Posted by stars5/dirtbagbaby69 at 1:22 PM PST
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Saturday, 20 March 2004

Grr More dreams...
I mite as well just post my dream's in the effin journal.. i mean cause nothign exciting ever happens out of my dreams :-(

ok las tnight i had two dreams cause i woke up several times....

first one was with aaron in it... so yeah its me and him walking after school and we catch up with his friends... and then its me and his lil group walking to his friends car so that she can drive him home, and were half way there and he grabs my arm and stops walking... and his best friend says "aaron are you comeing?" hes like "ill catch up" shes all"Ok!" and keeps walking.. and then he kisses me... and im all YEA! so i wrap my arms around his neck... and thats where it ends :'(

second one was with chad... and hes haveing a concert in arizona.. and their playing at the attic and he has his hands on my waist and has is head on my soulder and he constantly kisses my neck and cheek... :-\ then i wake up agian i try to go back to sleep to see what happens but nothing did.... grrr

lame.... i hate having dreams that will NEVER come true..

Posted by stars5/dirtbagbaby69 at 4:23 PM PST
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Friday, 19 March 2004

texas chain saw massacre?
Holy Moley!! That is one Crappy movie but scary as hell!! i almost cryed. so much blood... and violence... but at some parts very funny... today im goin to watch gothica with the brother... and hopefully go buy new nose rings... cause i lost 16 so far(down the drain).. crappy ness...

well yes, i found a bunch of cute little love quotes and i found a bunch of little icons... their pimp...
Have u ever really cried for sumone more then you wanted to?

*If *you* love *someone* tell *them,
because *hearts* are * often* broken*
by* words * left *unspoken*

Nobody is perfect
until you fall
in love with them

Some things in life
are worth waiting for--
Even if it means
waiting forever...

Some one actaully commented on me saying the work...PIMP.. i mean yeah im not a wigger never have never will be but... seriously.. its a habit i cant break, not my fault that i say that.

i went to sleep at 4 am, i guess i was thinking stuff over, reading all those little romance quotes... and reading my friends journals.

My best friend got a boy friend, im so happy. shes happy im happy :-) i just hope this never changes my bond with her. and i hope maybe ill find someone to go out with... :-( arizona is full of so many lame ass kids it would blow your mind. Paul told me he liked me but when he was drunk... blah i hate people who drink. i liked him. not any more. i see how nice he is but being nice, isnt all that matters. i dont even think he gets along with on of my best buddies... only cause they had a fist fight and all and i would stick up for josh any day even if its against him... i dont care who it would be i would knock them out... im done venting... maybe ill update tomorrow... or later today... Cya


Posted by stars5/dirtbagbaby69 at 8:33 AM PST
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Thursday, 18 March 2004

Crazy dream... does it mean something?
Mann i had such a weird dream and i know since only my good friends will be reading thing i have no real point in hiding his name... ok so here it goes...

I was walking around my house and i was just sitting around watching tv and eating popcorn and then it just got boring so i got on the internet to find i had a message from trevor. Kinda odd but it said something like... he had something really importatn to tell me and he was in sadiego flying in just to tell me this one little thing... so i was all what ever and kept doing what i was doing... odd thing is that he doesnt know where i live... or my phone number.. but oddly i get a phone call on my cell, and its him. so i answer and he says he almost here... and so me and him sit down in my front yard and talk... and im clinging on to his arm cause its really cold...and hes all Donnae... im failing all my classes... i was all What! you came all this way to tell me that? and so hes all yes. i was all why do you care if i know what grades you get? i fail all my classes too... :-\ and so i fall sleep leaning on his arm and he waits til morning to tell me he has to go, he gets up walks away from me and i sit there with a dazed look on my face. then for some reason i start balling.. cause i miss him.. :-\

Weird huh? maybe i do miss him. or is it just me missing that i like him.


Posted by stars5/dirtbagbaby69 at 9:26 AM PST
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Wednesday, 17 March 2004

Boredum...And its Spring break
Whoa, i have i think like 2 Journals.. and i think thats enouf... haha wow um... i just got the internet back. it was shut off yesterday. and well i was totally pissed off bout that. i slept all day yesterday... i recorded me cursing... and playing my guitar... which is always a nice thing hahah i guess well well well .... im such a mean person.. i havent ate meat or dairy in 37 hours. Woo hopefully this whole Vegan thing is good... and im feeling pretty good. almost barfed dis morning because somehting my mom said. she asked me if i could eat shrimp and i was all NO!! i went wacko... pretty sad... i duno i went to a concert a few days ago. and wow it was fun... gosh i hate the linsey diarys? i duno sumthign like that he was horrible.. i couldnt stand through it... yeah... im out ill update later.. Bye bye


Posted by stars5/dirtbagbaby69 at 11:49 AM PST
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